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Climb up in a sentence

  up(2)  down(4)
Sentence count:84+2Posted:2017-08-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: climbclimberclimbingclimb downrock climbingsocial climbermountain climbingimbueMeaning: v. 1. go upward with gradual or continuous progress 2. rise in rank or status. 
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31) Below us the narrow road twisted upon itself as it began to climb up through the steep foothills.
32) I gritted my teeth and hung on for the climb up to Ana's Cross on the peak of Spaunton Moor.
33) Twice the road had been cut and we hadn't even started the climb up to the pass.
34) You made the precarious climb up the side of the bus using a ladder.
35) To climb up to it takes time nine or ten hours to get there and back - but no special skill or nerve.
36) My husband recollect when they used to climb up the stocks to put the owd canvas sails on the mill.
37) All the kids found it highly amusing when I had to climb up and fetch her.
38) He was trying to climb up a brick wall, but he's got a bad leg.
39) I wanted to suffer terribly and rejoice terribly before I began my climb up the sky.
40) Do your tricks. Turn somersaults and climb up the underside of a ladder with your armour on.
40) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
41) They crossed the city and began a long, slow climb up through the Alfama district.
42) And so I decided to climb up the ladder of City College, starting at the lowest rung.
43) But then they began to climb up a narrow, spiral staircase, and she saw no more.
44) I use the left-hand staircase to climb up to the flat.
45) We could climb up the ladder belatedly, but if only we shook off our mental chains like water.
46) A climb up the Eildon Hills will present the energetic with stunning panoramic views of the surrounding gentle rolling countryside.
47) The servants had realized what was happening, and brought ladders to climb up on to the roof.
48) At last they reach the mountains and begin to climb up.
49) A vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff.
50) Chueh - hui measured the tree with his eye . " I'll climb up and break the branch off. "
51) Whenever I fall, I will be brave to climb up[], because then I would think of roly-poly and grandfather had what I have said.
52) Now, Ah got ter climb up an'git it mahseff. "
53) Cats often find it easier to climb up a tree than to climb down.
54) Billy made a wish, "I wish I had a tree house in the garden and it had a rope ladder i could climb up."
55) So Jonathan said to his armor-bearer, "Climb up after me; the LORD has given them into the hand of Israel."
56) She grasped the rope ladder, the exhaustion of the body's ability to climb up the.
57) Watching him climb up the precipice, everybody was breathless with anxiety.
58) Lab experiments have shown that the echidna is more intelligent that a cat and it has been seen using its spikes, feet and beaks to climb up crevices like a mountaineer edging up a rock chimney.
59) Triyatno, the Olympic bronze medallist, can climb up the medal dias in the absence of China's Olympic and world champion Liao Hui who has been rested.
60) Tongue-in-cheek in tenor, it nevertheless offers some well-observed insight into how Chinese women in Shanghai climb up the socio-economic ladder by way of marriage.
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