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Church of scientology in a sentence

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Sentence count:16Posted:2024-04-06Updated:2024-04-06
Similar words: scientologychurch of englandman of sciencemaster of sciencebachelor of sciencepsychological sciencechurch schooldepartment of sociologyMeaning: n. a new religion founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1955 and characterized by a belief in the power of a person's spirit to clear itself of past painful experiences through self-knowledge and spiritual fulfillment. 
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1. The couple, both active members of the powerful Church of Scientology, are still keen to adopt.
2. The lessons of Hubbard's Church of Scientology are many.
3. In 1954 he founded the first Church of Scientology in Washington, D.C. By 1978 the organization claimed 38 U.S. churches, with 41 more abroad, and 172 "missions" and 5, 437, 000 members worldwide.
4. The Church of Scientology was officially founded in Los Angeles in February, 1954, by several devoted followers of Hubbard's work.
5. Previous targets included the Church of Scientology and the government of Zimbabwe.
6. Hubbard *did* start his own 'religion, ' calling it the "Church of Scientology, " and it has grown into an enterprise today grossing an estimated $100 million a year worldwide.sentence dictionary
7. The Church of Scientology had recently gained tax-exempt status as a religious institution, making donations, as well as the cost of auditing, tax-deductible.
8. To Haggis's friends, his resignation from the Church of Scientology felt like a very public act of betrayal.
9. Haggis opened the book and saw a page stamped with the words "Church of Scientology."
10. Anonymous rose to fame with a series of attacks on websites linked to the Church of Scientology and Gene Simmons, bassist with the rock group Kiss.
11. "For ten months now I have been writing to ask you to make a public statement denouncing the actions of the Church of Scientology of San Diego, " Haggis wrote.
12. On August 19, 2009, Tommy Davis, the chief spokesperson for the Church of Scientology International, received a letter from the film director and screenwriter Paul Haggis.
13. The decision to cast Cruise in the role has caused anger in Germany because of his strong links to the Church of Scientology , which is regarded here as a sect.
14. Will Smith has hit back at claims that he and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith have been recruited by the Church of Scientology.
15. "It was one guy who somehow got it in his head it would be a neat idea and put Church of Scientology San Diego on the list," Davis told me.
16. That I would never do a favor for the church of scientology founded by a loony called L. Ron Hubbard.
More similar words: scientologychurch of englandman of sciencemaster of sciencebachelor of sciencepsychological sciencechurch schooldepartment of sociologyontologyodontologydeontologygerontologypaleontologypalaeontologyperiodontologychurchbiological sciencechurchingchurchmanchurchillentomologychurch bellchurchgoerchurch mousechurchyardhigh churchchurchgoingchurch musicchurch-statechurch tower
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