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Chlorine water in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2024-03-17Updated:2024-03-17
Similar words: chlorinechlorinatechlorine gaschlorine dioxidechlorinitychlorinatingchlorinationdechlorinationMeaning: n. an aqueous solution of chlorine used as a bleaching agent. 
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(1) Bertholet, France, recommended chlorine water for commercial bleaching.
(2) The initial flush and the fact that the chlorine water sits in the hose killing any bacteria solves that problem.
(3) After process improvement, "zero discharge" of chlorine water was realized with sodium hypochlorite and liquid lime chloride products which were produced by chlorine water.
(4) Comprehensive harness status on chlorine water of caustic soda workshop was introduced.
(5) Methods to recover and use chlorine water in chlor-alkali production are evaluated. Some advanced closed-circuit processes adopted in industrial production are suggested.
(6) The creating course of chlorine water and the vacuum dechlorination process was briefly introduced.
(7) The saturated chlorine water was not sent to dechlorination treatment but(directly) applied to the synthesis of dichloropropanol in the epichlorohydrin facility. The aim of saving(energy[ water.html], )decrea...
(8) Chlorine water can oxidise common reducing agents. It is stronger oxidising agent than bromine water . It is reduced to colourless chloride ion.
(9) Titanium heat exchanger: Titanium alloy made heat exchanger can prevent chlorine water, ozone, iodine, bromine and salt water effecting on it and no corrosion and erosion will appear.
(10) Contains a UV filter and natural antioxidants to help protect hair from colour fade and damage caused by sun, pollution, sea and chlorine water.
(11) Bromobenzenesulfonyl chloride was obtained from 2 bromothiophenol via coupling with chloromethyl methyl ether, oxidation chlorination by chlorine water to give 76% yield of the title compound.
More similar words: chlorinechlorinatechlorine gaschlorine dioxidechlorinitychlorinatingchlorinationdechlorinationdehydrochlorinationchlorination processchloricchloridechloritedewateringperchloridechloridiondichloridetrichlorideoxychloridechloridizinghypochloritemonochloridechlorateperchloric acidtetrachloridehydrochloridechloraminesodium chloridechloridizationchloritization
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