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Channels in a sentence

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Sentence count:292+6Posted:2017-11-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: channel tunnelchanneltv channelchannellingnarrow channelbristol channelcommunication channelflannelsMeaning: ['tʃænl]  n. official routes of communication. 
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211. If anything, informal channels of communication are even more important.
212. He switched channels with the remote, clasped his hands behind his head.
213. Again, we should note the interdependence and mutual necessity of the main and minor channels of mystical power.
214. And the particular proteins now under scrutiny are the ion channels we met earlier.
215. Each standing stone collects the raw power and channels it to its inward neighbour.
216. In the hummocky terrain of the valley floor the hollows, channels and gentle slopes are occupied by peat.
217. This evening the usual channels, through my right hon. Friend, are the authors of the automatic timetable.
218. Also, they use four different channels simultaneously in normal operation.
219. Football news programmes on Sky and some music video channels use the same techniques.
220. Many of the coaxial links in the ground today can carry only a handful of different channels at the same time.
221. CLARiiON will not use Data General's own sales force to market the products, only indirect channels.
222. Shortly thereafter we enter a stretch of shallow pools and channels cut into the rock by a millennium of erosion.
223. It also has narrow channels; through which only molecules having dimensions within certain limits can pass.
224. But these were hardly distinguishable from drainage channels, having none of the features that we associate with canals.
225. The gradual increase and specialization of radio channels disintegrated the audience.
226. In the living interface section we discussed how tone recognition opens emotional channels.
227. It is also in these channels that the lave fishermen will stand.
228. If it has been a long hot summer, I become too weak to make rational decisions(, to change channels.
229. The programmes were implemented by governments through existing political channels, thus allowing dominant groups to take advantage of the situation.
230. But supporters who didn't apply through the proper channels could find themselves missing out on Billy Bingham's swansong match.
231. The event assuredly was communicated throughout the nursing system by informal channels.
232. Twelve channels of the reactor were refuelled before the outage began and then the fuel route was taken out of service immediately.
233. The development greatly improves our own internal focus and accountability for both distribution channels.
234. The firm is promising to develop new distribution channels, predicting that resellers will private label their own systems with Integrix components.
235. Cable shopping channels have installed high-speed, large-capacity computerized systems to process millions of viewers' telephone credit card orders.
236. Formal organisations have an explicit hierarchy in a well- defined structure; job specifications and communication channels are also well-defined.
237. Or an infinity of channels coming from tiny speakers woven into the table cloth?
238. The wind scored shivering channels through the ling and bilberries, the growth of fine,[] dry grass.
239. At low output all three channels put out some very convincing sounds.
240. Channel C represents one of the shorter indirect channels, where the retailer is omitted.
More similar words: channel tunnelchanneltv channelchannellingnarrow channelbristol channelcommunication channelflannelskennelscannelflannelflannelettecarpal tunnel syndromejohannes gutenbergBetter late than nevernelsonnelson mandelafunnelrunneltunnelkennelfennelchange handsfunneledpersonnelannexcannedtunnelingbannerbanned
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