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Channels in a sentence

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Sentence count:292+6Posted:2017-11-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: channel tunnelchanneltv channelchannellingnarrow channelbristol channelcommunication channelflannelsMeaning: ['tʃænl]  n. official routes of communication. 
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241. To switch channels, you might walk into another building on fly up into the clouds.
242. The sodium is only able to pass into the membrane through sodium ion channels distributed along the axon.
243. Small channels are built to divert some of the traffic to the new route.
244. The oligarchic character of parties, unions and other supposed channels of communication between citizens and government leaders is asserted.
245. Most basic cable channels have one or more fashion programs.
246. So here I am extolling the worth of twenty minutes' silent meditation as a means of renewing and refreshing your channels.
247. Finally, a thorough understanding of the characteristics and potential of all the channels available is essential for good communication.
248. This and more already happens on satellite and cable channels, which are under the more lenient gaze of the Cable Authority.
249. There are now 21 talk shows on daytime television; two cable channels run them around the clock.
250. Chris Wallace switched channels, for exactly how much we have not been told.
251. There would be home furnishings, electronics, and audio and video and fitness channels.
252. The fiercest competition of all, therefore, is between the rival television channels.
253. That would help to ensure that political and social tensions were guided through established channels and not forced on to the streets.
254. He returned and sat on his cold, leather sofa flicking channels.
255. Each service may consist of one or more channels, video on-demand, or two-way interactive service.
256. You know how long these things can take through normal channels ....
257. The framework for investor protection is shown in Figure 12.3, and outlines the channels of authority. 12.3 OVER-REGULATION?
258. As a result, prior to the cellular authorization, only some fifty-four channels were allocated for mobile telephone service nationwide.
259. Some channels are obviously dedicated to specific topics, for example, but most are merely informal chat limes.
260. Almost blind in the shallow muddy water, it is swimming by instinct, following the deepest sand channels.
261. Maddalena Island from Palau, and see some of its innumerable bays, channels, coves and promontories.
262. Begin monitoring the channels on which tracer signals were found. 8.
263. Because fiber optic cable has a greater bandwidth capacity than coaxial cable, it can send more channels to subscribers' homes.
264. None of the figures for any of the four main channels shows a significant increase in the number of people offended.
265. Gradually the voluntary churches thus came to be safety valves for society, means of draining potentially dangerous conflict into harmless channels.
266. There will be two direct channels - a fast-answer telephone service for sophisticated customers and a postal service for the less sophisticated.
267. This included new forms of magnetic tapes, each of which could hold hundreds of intercepted microwave communications channels.
268. Authority is top down, and utilizes formal communication channels, usually vertical, and well-defined policies and procedures.
268. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
269. Total disaster had been averted, channels of communication had been established, and there were foundations on which to build.
270. Since the Congress of Vienna, a general diplomatic system had provided the accepted channels of international relations.
More similar words: channel tunnelchanneltv channelchannellingnarrow channelbristol channelcommunication channelflannelskennelscannelflannelflannelettecarpal tunnel syndromejohannes gutenbergBetter late than nevernelsonnelson mandelafunnelrunneltunnelkennelfennelchange handsfunneledpersonnelannexcannedtunnelingbannerbanned
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