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Channels in a sentence

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Sentence count:292+6Posted:2017-11-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: channel tunnelchanneltv channelchannellingnarrow channelbristol channelcommunication channelflannelsMeaning: ['tʃænl]  n. official routes of communication. 
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91. When the transition is complete, stations will be required to surrender their analog channels to the federal government.
92. For instance, look at the success of on-line chat services and home shopping channels.
93. That's too much: I use the remote control to change channels.
94. Some channels through which money flows into the system will be closed.
95. Ion channels are found in the membranes of practically all cells, but they are particularly important for neurons.
96. Here, some five hundred years ago, the river encountered an obstacle that caused it to split into two channels.
97. Many disadvantaged people will find an outlet for their abilities through whatever channels remain open.
98. The government routinely channels food and medicine through the Red Cross and other groups.
99. Satellite customers who are wired for cable sometimes keep the service to get local channels.
100. Those digital channels revert to the federal government in 2002 for an auction that will contribute mightily to the balanced-budget plan.
101. The compression will let digital audio-visual services be carried by terrestrial and satellite channels, telecommunications networks or digital storage devices.
102. By the end of the century, most people will be able to tune in to hundreds of channels or more.
103. The biggest barrier to entry into the video shopping arena has been the lack of available channels offering variety to customers.
104. Only now had it occurred to him that it was moving along quite different channels.
105. The living room was so small that I didn't need a remote to change channels without leaving my seat.
106. It will receive royalties from its semiconductor partners, who will use their existing distribution channels to market the chips.
107. It has also created difficulties in furthering their cause effectively-be it in the courts or through bureaucratic channels.
108. Some of the tunnels must have run for miles, winding in and out of the channels of water that threaded everywhere.
109. Employers have the clearest and most direct channels of communication to enormous numbers of people.
110. The prospect of a future which provides hundreds of television channels gives Madison Avenue nightmares.
111. For example, to use particular channels of communication such as briefing meetings, video programmes, management information notes and so on.
112. For example, plasticity seems to depend on identifiable ion channels and catalytic molecules that activate or inhibit these channels.
113. The bill also lays down provision for detailed news coverage by both Channels 3 and 5.
114. Its offerings are now also sold via Sage's existing international distribution channels.
115. Future schoolboys may look at tape of the shopping channels.
116. The people of the Middle Ages inherited sea-walls and drainage channels which had survived from the Roman occupation.
117. At this time, cable shopping channels are not truly interactive because they use phone lines to take orders.
118. The Tory party used cash and back channels and foreign donations to influence elections and change laws.
119. Around 330,000 people are already subscribing around £21 per month to receive up to 35 channels per day,[] according to figures released yesterday.
120. It was a peculiar sort of fog which lay on the sea in dense banks striped with narrow, clear channels.
More similar words: channel tunnelchanneltv channelchannellingnarrow channelbristol channelcommunication channelflannelskennelscannelflannelflannelettecarpal tunnel syndromejohannes gutenbergBetter late than nevernelsonnelson mandelafunnelrunneltunnelkennelfennelchange handsfunneledpersonnelannexcannedtunnelingbannerbanned
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