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Cervical in a sentence

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Sentence count:258Posted:2017-06-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: servicecervixservicesdisservicewire serviceroom serviceservice lifecivil serviceMeaning: [sɜː'vaɪkl]  adj. 1. of or relating to the cervix of the uterus 2. relating to or associated with the neck. 
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211. For cervical spondylosis Yaotui whole body aching pain immunocompromised persons have very good results.
212. A 32-y. o. male drove his vehicle into the back of a tractor-trailer truck. When would you stabilize his cervical spine?
213. Conclusion Reduction manipulations in sitting position are quite effective and safe in screening and treating cervical spondylotic arteriopathy.
214. Conclusion Sleeve-resection and anastomosis end to end of cervical trachea is a good surgical method to reconstruct and restore the airway for treatment of cervical trachea lesions.
215. In this article, we determined the lower limit of diameter transverse process foramen for the chinese adults after measuring cervical vertebrae of 265 cases.
216. Objective To explore the effect of inhalation-intravenous general anesthesia combined with cervical plexus block in the thyroid surgery.
217. To observe the value of clinical application about a novel cervical traction apparatus that could recover cervical lordotic curvature.
218. Methods Caecum of rectum was pushed down out by a cervical canal dilator inserted from abdomen incision, striped and pulled out from perineal incision and then was sutured with skin of perineum.
219. Objective: To evaluate the value of transperineal sonographic measurement of cervical maturity for predicting effect of threatened preterm and set of head fetation in full-term primipara.
220. Objective To investigate the method of harvesting of superficial cervical artery island skin flap, and its clinical application in the repair of the maxillofacial and cervical scars.
221. Conclusion The dorsal-shoulder skin flap with full blood and enough length, and fit the repairing of a cervical defect and it is a simple practical method with satisfactory results.
222. Objective:To explore the cervical ripening effect of sodium prasterone sulfate(SPS).sentencedict .com
223. Methods: Ultrasound-guided self-clotting cutter puncture myoma, subserous myoma or stem of cervical polyp precisely across cervical canal and designed route .
224. The present study suggests that the seropositive mutilating-RA patients worsen cervical lesions once they become affected, and are likely to lose their ADL activity.
225. Objective. To present an unusual case of dorsally sequestered cervical disc herniation and to briefly review the literature on this condition.
226. Objective:To compare the influence of cervical injection (CI) or paracervical block(PCB) with lidocaine on pain relief during suction evacuation for early pregnancy termination.
227. Results It have a good effect to cervical spondylosis except myeloid form.
228. Expounds the basic working principle and clinical application of intermittent heating treatment instrument for cervical vertebra.
229. Method; We modified the operation of anterior approach to the cervical spine by bone ramenta autograft glued with mucilage in situ.
230. Conclusion Sipulin has remarkable effects in protecting marrow and improving the quality of life in the patients with advanced cervical carcinoma treated with concurrent radiochemotherapy.
231. AIM: To study the effects and significance of amount, distribution and their secreting function of pulmonary neuroendocrine cells (PNECs ) following left cervical vagotomy in rats.
232. Segmental Motion Adjacent to Anterior Cervical Arthrodesis: A Prospective Study.
233. Results Positive findings of CT for diagnosing cervical disc herniation were 8 % (6/75), those for diagnosing hyperosteogeny were 45.33 % (34/75).
234. Objective To deepen the knowledge of the ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament(OPLL) plus ossification of ligamenta flava(OLF) in cervical spine.
235. Tramadol can improve the analgesic efficacy of cervical plexus block and attenuates the cardiovascular responses.
236. Objective To investigate the relation between HPV infection of female reproductive tract and cervical precancerosis.
237. General common, stubborn disease of the cervical spine, omarthritis, uterine fibroids(, Waist-Leg disease caused by the disease can be carried out Meridian Scrapping cure.
238. Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of traction, acupuncture and massotherapy as a composite treatment for cervical spondylopathy of cervical curvature change and the imaging changes.
239. Method. The geometry of cervical vertebrae was created from computed tomography images.
240. Objective Analyse the quality of oblique radiography of cervical vertebrae improve the rate of first - class radiograph.
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