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Centreless in a sentence

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Sentence count:5Posted:2019-04-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: lustrelessrelentlessnessrelentlessrelentlesslycarelessnesscentrecarelesscentred
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1, Inside this flawed, and somehow centre-less, one-man show are some poignant questions.
2, After centreless grinding machine parts were achieved, grinding wheel dresser, rings pallet and screw guide wheel all accord with the need of grinding tapered roller convexity .
3, Such as: the guide idler on the centreless grinder, polishing for drill, tap and screw die as well as opening slot, cutting ect.
4, The establishment of a centreless anthropocentrism is a development stage of environmental ethics.
5, To analyse the influence of grinding wheel unbalance on surface topography of workpiece in centreless grinding, this paper established a mathematical model of system vibration.
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