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Canary-yellow in a sentence

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Sentence count:7Posted:2024-09-19Updated:2024-09-19
Similar words: canary yellowyellow-belliedyellowyellowsyellowyyellowedthe yellowsyellownessMeaning: adj. having the color of a canary; of a light to moderate yellow canary yellow. n. a moderate yellow with a greenish tinge. 
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1) A tiny canary-yellow waterlily with heavily mottled olive-green leaves.
2) Balfour slammed his canary-yellow, industrial vacuum truck into gear and roared after the varmint in a cloud of choking brown dust.
3) The bright canary-yellow tail is deeply forked with long, fine points.
4) On the walls, canary-yellow lions pursue green-clad sheiks among five-branched palm trees.
5) He led Coffin to a bright back kitchen, furnished in the most modern style, with new canary-yellow paint.
6) He has stored the midnight blue Rolls-Royce stretch limousine and canary-yellow Ferrari behind the conference center he built here as a reproduction of a French palace.
7) But was sure to remember that do not put on flesh color, Paris green, canary-yellow and so on is too fresh the color, like this will let your skin will appear black.
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