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Business document in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2024-04-23Updated:2024-04-23
Similar words: business departmentdocument processingbusiness daybusiness dealbusiness disputebusiness decisionbusiness districtbusiness segments
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1. Most letters and other business documents are printed on paper 8 1 / 2 inches wide.
2. Colons and Semicolons Most business documents contain colons that serve one or two functions.
3. Most attention was spent on business document types, messaging formats, and application interface descriptions.
4. The memo is a business document that has traditionally been the most common communication inside a company's walls.
5. You can create almost any kind of business document, including form letters, invoices , and receipts.
6. Historical cost, on the other hand, supported by business document such as sales slips, purchase invoices, is factual, objective, and verifiable.
7. Business items could be a business document, work product, or commodity that is either produced by a task or process (such as an invoice), or causes a process to start (such as a customer inquiry).
8. Business document management systems, back-office functions: storage system, my files, password changes, public documents, message management,[] a complete document.
9. Skills developed are extended to produce projects based on business scenarios culminating in integrated business documents.
10. A typical business letter of some 153 words was selected from a corpus of business documents.
11. Employees of the issuer who placed their signatures or seals on the financial report or the financial or business document in question.
12. A defined set of messages, each including a related set of the previously defined types, elements and attributes structured to provide a business document with a specific semantic meaning and context.
13. Each transaction or message flows through the document manager as individual business document flows.
14. B: my boss appointed me to this company than I can write business document.
15. In an enterprise environment, automatically generate large numbers of ODF documents according to specific business document templates and back-end database data.
16. Good university education with English as my major combined with practical experience in translating business document...
17. Executive Summary A brief synopsis at the beginning of a business plan or business document that highlights key facts, issues, and conclusions.
18. But in reality faxes are still the most efficient way to quickly deliver a signed business document.
More similar words: business departmentdocument processingbusiness daybusiness dealbusiness disputebusiness decisionbusiness districtbusiness segmentsbusiness managementBusiness is businessdocumentresume businessbusiness volumefairness doctrinedocumentaldocumentednew documentdocumenterbusinessmendocumentarydocumentingvolume of businessdocument typedocument textundocumentedother documentsdocument flowdocument filemain documentsource document
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