Synonym: arse, arse about, arse around, ass, backside, behind, bottom, bum about, bum around, buns, butt, buttocks, cadge, can, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, crumb, crummy, derriere, dirty dog, do-nothing, fanny, frig around, fuck off, fundament, git, grub, hind end, hindquarters, hobo, idler, keister, layabout, loaf, loafer, loll, loll around, lounge about, lounge around, lowlife, mooch, nates, posterior, prat, puke, punk, rat, rear, rear end, rotter, rump, scum bag, seat, skunk, sleazy, so-and-so, sponge, stern, stinker, stinkpot, tail, tail end, tinny, tooshie, tramp, tush, waste one's time. Similar words: album, bum around, bumptious. Meaning: [bʌm] n. 1. a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible 2. a disreputable vagrant 3. person who does no work 4. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on. v. 1. ask for and get free; be a parasite 2. be lazy or idle. adj. of very poor quality; flimsy.
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31. It seemed like every time I turned around, some bum was hitting me up for spare change.
32. We usually have lunch together, and we almost always stop at the Bum Rap after work for a drink.
33. The women smiled their approval when they saw the bruising on her bonny white bum.
34. She wore a yellow taffeta ball gown with black pumps and matching bum bag for her liver treats!
35. The cold smooth thing I was sitting on was a beer keg, which explained why my bum hurt as well.
36. She noticed that he had a cute bum - and the rest is history.
37. Fergus's hands dropped the key and the toilet rolls, grabbed Fiona's bum.
38. I tell you I was a bum on the street and I looked like one.
39. The tennis racquet bounced off her tender bum with all the zing of a good forehand drive.
40. He was a regular provider in our house of bum trout and other delicacies.
41. Yalta's bad name was in some ways a bum rap.
42. Some one phoned up a pre-watershed live show and started telling a joke about putting suppositories up your bum.
43. It is likely that Mir will bum up in Earth's atmosphere sometime in 2000.
44. He braked for drugs, booze, and hookers, and wrote a good book about a bum existence.
45. She's always complaining about her husband, but she won't throw the bum out.
46. C Jeremy Newberry, with a bum ankle and knee, is still expected to start.
47. It's going to be a bum deal all through for poor Cliffy.
48. Always barefoot and with real hipster trousers which showed the cheeks of his bum.
49. With a face like mine I never get my bum pinched or felt!
50. He looked like a half-starved bum yet he was evidently a man who had known better times.
51. My back ached, my bum was sore and my mouth caked with the rich tang of the wine.
52. Once empty the external tank is jettisoned and will bum up in the atmosphere.
53. And all he gets are these one-liner and bum steers and cheerful shrugs that may or may not be disingenuous.
54. I moved the bum leg then, limped toward the door,( and I started to spin.
55. The board also urged the courts to impose the maximum fines on bum landlords.
56. Please help me out before I shrink, fade or bum all my new does.
57. When they arrive at apogee, they must bum again to circularize their path.
58. A bronzed beach bum helped me find my lotion.
59. Her business this year is strictly on the bum.
60. No , your bum doesn't look big in that.