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Bright in a sentence

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Sentence count:279+66Posted:2017-04-02Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: alertcheerfulclearintelligentlivelypleasantshiningsmartvividAntonym: darkdullgloomystupidSimilar words: brightlybrightenbrightnessbrighteningrightrightsuprightall rightMeaning: [braɪt]  adj. 1. emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts 2. having striking color 3. characterized by quickness and ease in learning 4. having lots of light either natural or artificial 5. made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow 6. splendid 7. not made dim or less bright 8. clear and sharp and ringing 9. characterized by happiness or gladness 10. abounding with sunlight 11. full or promise. adv. with brightness. 
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211 Those seven bright stars make the shape of a saucepan.
212 Some bright spark thought the building was on fire and called the fire brigade.
213 His eyes were bright blue with a roguish twinkle in them.
214 The flowers are bronzy in bud and bright yellow when open.
215 He said hello and I felt my face turn bright red.
216 For now the only bright spots in the labor market are small businesses and high-tech start-ups.
217 The lights are too bright in here - they're hurting my eyes.
218 In the bright sunlight she had to narrow her eyes.
219 I came into contact with very bright Harvard and Yale students.
220 Was that Peter who just jogged past in those bright pink shorts?
221 She was a bright and eager student and, consequently, did well in school.
222 The bright flowers and warm winds announced that spring was here.
223 The morning was quite bright, but it clouded over in the afternoon.
224 The insect's bright colours act as warning signals to its predators.
225 He had made it his business to surround himself with a hand-picked group of bright young officers.
226 There'll be bright or sunny spells and scattered showers this afternoon.
227 Da Silva plays a bright, lonely student from New York[], adrift in small-town Arizona.
228 He was up bright and early, keen to get started.
229 A trailing lavender negligee that swore at her bright red hair.
230 When she looked up her eyes were bright with tears.
231 He formed a picture of his future that arose bright and colourful in his mind.
232 Her hair was bright orange. It took us two goes to get the colour right.
233 He likes sombre, muted colours — she likes bright colours.
234 You young kids have a bright future ahead of you!
235 The bright headlights were highlighting the way, and I found her favourite CD.
236 James is very bright[], but he doesn't make full use of his abilities.
237 Ford had the bright idea of paying workers enough to buy cars.
238 Character must be kept bright as well as clean. Lord Chesterfield 
239 To discipline your character is to ensure a bright destiny. To pamper your character is to invite a bleak destiny. Dr T.P.Chia 
240 Black color is sentimentally bad but, every black board makes the students life brightA. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
More similar words: brightlybrightenbrightnessbrighteningrightrightsuprightall rightoutrightright nowright awayfrightendownrightcopyrightsprightlyforthrightright of wayjust rightfrightfulright wingcivil rightplaywrightfrightenedunrighteousfrighten awayfrighteningcivil rightsdivine righthuman rightsbill of rights
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