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Blazing in a sentence

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Sentence count:235+8Posted:2017-05-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: lazinessrazinggrazingbrazingamazingamazinglylazilyblazeMeaning: ['bleɪzɪŋ]  n. a strong flame that burns brightly. adj. 1. shining intensely 2. lighted up by or as by fire or flame 3. without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious. 
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151. On Christmas Eve lights were blazing in every window.
152. When the fire engine arrived, the fire was blazing.
153. He found more blazing star in his patches.
154. On blazing Monday I heard the year's first chiffchaff.
155. Her Blazing eyes always Betray her covert capricious self.
156. A fire was blazing on the hearth.
157. There was a fire blazing on the hearth.
158. A huge blazing pyre lights up the landscape.
159. The Greek fire-dragon the Chimaera was slain at her lair but – being immortal – her blazing breath lived on.
160. Meanwhile, "70 " , " bully solid horse " rapid on the net leap up is red, make new network name, billowy network public opinion becomes more blazing.
161. The machine - guns were up on the turret blazing away like anything but it wasn't any use!
162. The elderly white - haired officer had the gnarled and menacing brow and blazing, powerful eyes.
163. The sun blazing like a ball of fire . This idiom describes the extremely hot weather.
164. The turbid yellow river water fiercely reflected the blazing sun of the plateau.
165. The change of heart is quintessential Buffett - rational, decisive,( maverick and blazing a path all his own.
166. Blazing Star Herbal School offers unique and exciting programs in herbal studies to give both the student and professional an opportunity to delve deeper into the art and science of herbalism.
167. Mr Spitzer, asked recently about his guns - blazing style, replied with a smirk, That wasn't guns going.
168. A. Star comprises by blazing gas, can oneself off light bulbiform or kind bulbiform celestial bodies.
169. In the back yard a pergola is constructed to protect against the blazing sun.
170. DPU BES benchmark with hardware supported acceleration to deliver blazing data encryption performance.
171. How was blazing liquid stannum entered to do in my eyeball?
172. He got to his feet and his dark eyes were blazing with anger.
173. Blazing new ideas and gaining initiative diplomatically is the most witty!
174. The western genre has been parodied on a number of occasions, famous examples being Support Your Local Sheriff, Cat Ballou, Mel Brooks's Blazing Saddles, and Rustler's Rhapsody.
175. By 2011 debris in the center of the ring, which is about a light-year in diameter, was blazing more intensely as the supernova entered a new stage of stellar demise.
176. The child, flushed and with eyes blazing, was curiously serene.
177. And Abbey Lincoln, the former subtly sensual supper-club singer, was transformed before my eyes into a blazing Sojourner Truth.
178. As a pioneer in the normal education system of Hainan, our college is faced with the dual responsibility of upholding normal education and blazing new trails.
179. Dear young friends, Shenzhen, as a city born out of China's reform and opening up 30 years ago, has ever since been blazing with youthful enthusiasm and keeping her youthful dreams alive.
180. Superhuman mental powers, including his extraordinary sense of hearing and blazing speed-reading, are as vital to Superman as his bullet-beating velocity and steel-bending strength.
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