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Bidding in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+10Posted:2017-06-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: forbiddingwedding ringabidingaddingwaddingsheddingweddingbuddingMeaning: ['bɪdɪŋ]  n. 1. an authoritative direction or instruction to do something 2. a request to be present 3. (bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make. 
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211, Bidder pre - qualification inquiry is adopted in this bidding process.
212, In bidding farewell to you, I wish you bon voyage and good health!
213, First, a possibility theory based approach is proposed in this work for estimating bidding behaviors.
214, However, it is understood that the approach by China's fifth largest carmaker, made one day after the final bidding deadline, has yet to crystallise into a formal offer.
215, The 76 domestic and international bidding tender statistical analysis to identify Anhui machinery industry, especially the food packaging machinery in the gap.
216, The purchase from Barco, a Belgium-based display screen specialist, followed a competitive bidding, Thales said in a statement.
217, Yet within the New Bond Street saleroom, collectors went on bidding, oblivious to the bloodletting without.
218, Lastly, the thesis puts up about the bidding strategy of dynamoelectric enterprise.
219, Rival bidders included U.S. buyout funds the Carlyle Group CYL.UL and Bain Capital, which had been cleared for the second round of bidding(, said the sources.
220, This paper systematically and deeply analyses the strategies of bidding and pricing decision for the contractors under the code of valuation with bill quantity.
221, A tenderer may not compel bidders to form a consortium to make joint bidding and may not restrict competition among bidders.
222, They beat out all the other firms in the bidding.
223, ... image ads increases the pool of ads - particularly cost - per - thousand - impression ( CPM ) ads - bidding to display on your site.
224, The late spring also brought joy to France who were awarded the UEFA EURO 2016 final round after a high-quality bidding contest.
225, Provided that the entropy weight decision-making method can used in architecture bidding projects feasibly.
226, The company has fixed service unit of any nature, not participate in bidding design, please forgive me.
227, In this paper, study on bidding decision-making in Inner Mongolia Electric Power Transmission and Transformation CO.
228, Learn how to determine the right bidding system for you in pinochle in this free video series that will have you mastering pinochle in no time.
229, Most likely Milady had hired these scoundrels to do her bidding at the first favourable opportunity.
230, Guangzhou Customs Auction: to issue the related information about the auction of the Guangzhou Customs confiscated property, competitive bidding information and the relevant rules on the auction.
231, In primitive power market phase paper disassemble the bidding capacity into three areas.
232, A month later Lily and Jack win the bidding and they designate Bill's company as the exclusive distributor,( through which twenty thousand generators are sold up.
233, Experience in, and an understanding of the Public Bidding Process.
234, On the final day of the book exhibition we left, bidding our neighbour a fond farewell.
235, In the aspects of the inducement to power suppliers' strategic bidding, EVE pricing method is better than the uniform and PAB pricing methods.
236, Affecting winning the bidding if the tender price is too high or too low.
237, As an important method of international economic cooperation, the position of international competitive bidding in the international trade activities is getting more and more important.
238, In the bidding documents, will you put chinese annotation in the require of the proprietor?
239, In granting contracts stage, compiling the bidding documents and drawing up contract clauses by employer unilaterally causes the contract provisions not to be fair.
240, An optimal strategy for generating and bidding is presented, which considers both the generation cost and the price fluctuation.
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