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Bedtime in a sentence

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Sentence count:147+6Posted:2016-12-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: have a good timefrom time to timetimeon timein timefor a timeat a timein no timeMeaning: n. the time you go to bed. 
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61) Just two tablets at bedtime will help you gently drift off.
62) In his mind's eye, Preston saw himself as the daddy in one of the twins' bedtime books.
63) Facts to be learned by rote are often best assimilated just before bedtime, when you get up or when walking.
64) One evening the boy requested that the father tell him a bedtime story.
65) A failed attempt to relax at bedtime causes more anxiety and can condition you to associate relaxation techniques with insomnia.
66) Isn't it your bedtime?
66) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
67) As it got dark, rather than hear a scary bedtime story, Stuart wanted to walk in the woods with me.
68) One pitch that has been pretty successful has been the appearance of our youngest at bedtime.
69) Graduate students in most institutions are notoriously late risers, who work way past conventional bedtime.
70) Just before bedtime he had a snack of bread and cheese.
71) It was late afternoon, she had to keep reminding herself, even though her body-clock seemed stubbornly convinced it was bedtime.
72) The crew spent some time before bedtime troubleshooting the problem.
73) Bedtime drinks aimed at helping children to sleep may be rotting their teeth.
74) We suggest you massage almond oil into your hands and cuticles before bedtime,[] to soften and protect them.
75) It's past my bedtime -- I really must get some sleep.
76) Every morning the monocle is hung round my neck and remains there until bedtime.
77) True to this tone, Tom's tape is scientific analysis as opposed to bedtime bogeyman stories.
78) However, a small dose of a short-acting sedative at bedtime for sleeping is often helpful. 4.
79) You might want to do it before dinner or bedtime.
80) As we nestled over a bedtime story he scratched his head.
81) Up-to-date information on your child's routine: meals, bath, bedtime, any allergies.
82) She become passionate about it and would stay up hours past her bedtime to paint.
83) It tells us foolish bedtime stories in exchange for our promises to purchase the latest corporate goods and corporate services.
84) After years of trying to enforce a regular bedtime, Katherine and Gary had just given up.
85) Every night at bedtime I hide his hairbrush in his pillow and sometimes he hides my shoes in the washing machine.
86) Instead, we might find that performance is improving just before bedtime, and deteriorating after sleep.
87) A relaxed regime of visiting the lavatory after each main meal and at bedtime is established with the parents keeping a record.
88) He seems to make few friends and is content to stay at home after school and play Nintendo until bedtime.
89) If your child enjoys a bedtime drink there's no point in refusing one.
90) Towards midnight she went to tell Henrietta and Samantha that it was far past their bedtime.
More similar words: have a good timefrom time to timetimeon timein timefor a timeat a timein no timeat no timeat timesuntimelysometimeat any timelongtimeall the timefull-timeat one timelifetimefull timetake timeby the timeeach timemeantimetimetableby this timeevery timeat all timessometimesat the time ofat other times
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