Synonym: alarm, astonishment, dread, respect, surprise. Antonym: contempt, insolence, scorn. Similar words: drawer. Meaning: [ɔː] n. 1. an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration 2. a profound emotion inspired by a deity. v. inspire awe in.
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31 Ruth gazed about her in awe.
32 The fair inspired awe and pride and reverence.
33 Tallis watched the winter with awe.
34 The villagers hold them in awe and think of them as men of the world.
35 Some one you felt a little in awe of and wanted to hug at the same time.
36 Nevertheless he was too much in awe of the older woman to make any voluble protest.
37 The megaliths command our attention, inspiring us with awe and curiousity.
38 They stood in fascinated awe as the immense panelled surface slid past.
39 On the one hand there is awe at the way the elements can so radically alter the landscape.
40 It was read with awe by generations of students who wondered how he succeeded in making such an interesting topic so boring.
41 In the time of hunting and gathering[], humans stood in awe of beasts.
42 Fear, rage and awe contend in me - such talent for deception in one so young!
43 He never fails to awe me with his ability to paint a word portrait worthy of a museum that charges admission.
44 A small boy pressed his face against the window and gaped in awe.
45 Two chambermaids were standing at a respectful distance, watching his efforts in some awe.
46 Throughout the land[], gullible 13-year-olds would gasp in awe at the revelations laid before them.
47 Dao Van Lat studied his naked body in the long mirror and was seized afresh with an exhilaration of awe.
48 They gazed in awe at the hive of activity against the muted background clack of typewriter and word processor keyboards.
49 The rest of us might also stand in awe of his season.
50 The beauty that results comes naturally from the awe humans feel contemplating the heavens.
51 I felt the wonder and awe of the first European explorers who looked at the mountain.
52 Groping for a name that would properly convey their sense of both awe and relief, Powell decided on Glen Canyon.
53 David watched in awe and mounting panic as she unsheathed her beauty.
54 Dinah prays aloud all the way, the crowds watching her in awe.
55 Some one caught sight of them, saw their inner beauty and felt the awe in them and in awe of them.
56 He refers back to the Fish era as if in awe, and introduces the other Marillionauts with grovelling reverence.
57 One of Baldwin's weaknesses in dealing with his colleagues was that, at least until after 1931, he inspired no awe.
58 I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day. Douglas Adams
59 The mood is similar, somewhere between awe of their opponents and their colossal price tags and the usual infectious optimism.
60 No wonder prime ministers treated him as their equal, and lesser mortals on the political scene regarded him with awe.
More similar words: drawer.