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Antidote in a sentence

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Sentence count:104+2Posted:2016-11-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: counterpoisonSimilar words: potentialpotentiallyantiquefranticquantitypedanticmeantimeromanticMeaning: ['æntɪdəʊt]  n. a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison. 
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61. A smile is nature's best antidote for discouragement.
62. Is that antidote strong enough to expel the poison?
63. Pliny recommended it as an antidote to poison.
64. This herb can act as an antidote against snakebite.
65. This herb can as an antidote against snakebite.
66. Then, rather unimaginatively, I add "razzle-dazzle-pizzazz musical great antidote to misery-gloom-doom of credit crunch"before, thankfully for the reader, I am diverted by the whisper "Ciao!Plume!"
67. Nyiregyhazi was hailed as a throwback to Rachmaninoff and the other great Romantics , an overlooked star in a dying constellation, an antidote to the cookie-cutter playing of a new generation.
68. He offered an antidote, saying that figs "stere a man to veneryous actes, for they doth urge and increase the sede of generacyon."
69. Sangstrom had no other way but to pay a high price for the antidote.
70. The antidote to all-or-nothing thinking is thinking in shades of gray–opening oneself up to the continuum of possibilities for one's life.
71. But coziness requires its own antidote: I like to run at night, after the girls have been put to bed with stories and stuffed bears and night lights.
72. Objective : To explore novel strategy for soman antidote by chemical immunization.
73. Your love has helped me to rediscover myself. Your love is an effective antidote to despair.
74. The ire of Young Russia's protest outside the Latvian embassy this week was directed at Edvins Snore, whose film "Soviet Story" is the most powerful antidote yet to the sanitisation of the past.
75. The same approach might even provide an antidote in the case of a biological attack, because bioweapons are also likely to rely on superantigens.
75. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
76. And the busty Belfast blonde could get Brown all hot under the collar with her antidote agenda to "serious and boring" politics.
77. Could killing a biological agent be as simple as drinking a peppermint - flavored antidote?
78. The city's godlessness was shaken in 2005 by the "honour killing" of a young Turkish woman. As an antidote, Berlin's government brought in a non-religious ethics course a year later.
79. Amphetamines were widely used as an antidote to neurotic depression into the 1960s, until such "pep pills" came to be seen as doing more harm than good.
80. Objective: To prepare antidote of the type of dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) for the treatment of animal with heavy lewisite intoxication through intravenous injection.
81. The antidote is made from mandrake roots ( CS 9 ) .
82. They're perfect antidote to the baffling binary of a switch.
83. The US antidote to the Asian crisis was the greatest consumption binge in history.
84. Give him a gastric lavage immediatly and then give him the antidote.
85. Criticism murmuring , complaining, etc. kill relationships. Antidote? Be praiseful!
86. You this is elfin, make me medium your love poison does not agree tardy however antidote!
87. Objective : To explore strategy for soman antidote by chemical immunization.
88. Hydroxocobalamin is an intravenous antidote of known and suspected cyanide poisoning[], which has the unique action mechanism of direct tightly binding cyanide ions.
89. Last Blood's peculiar Armageddon co-op is one that makes for great bar conversation (trust me), without dumbing down an entire genre as a Tuesday night antidote to AMC's latest zombie hit.
90. The invention belongs to the technical field of image process and the vision resume, specifically a Daltonism antidote based on the adaptive mapping.
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