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Ani in a sentence

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Sentence count:43Posted:2018-09-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: humanitarianismcanishanianilranicanidanimaanileMeaning: n. black tropical American cuckoo. 
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1, Only when Anis controls every stage of production and can guarantee quality and delivery will it try exporting again.
2, When it began three years ago, Anis used its own brand name.
3, I wonder how people would remember Ani.
4, A long distance phone company can provide ANI which may arrive over the D channel of an ISDN primary rate interface circuit or via a dedicated single line before the first ring.
5, Al - Ani was held on the ground for about 10 minutes as officers tried to cuff him.
6, Results: Ani dramatically inhibited HSC dose - dependent proliferation and the synthesis of DNA.
7, Objective To study the quantitative grade of sphincter ani externus myodynamia and to discuss the significance of using in convalescent of incomplete spinal cord injuries.
8, Copolymers of aniline (ANI) and nphenylaniline (NPA) were synthesized by use of ammonium persulfate (APS) as oxidant.
9, Dex, Cyp and Ani markedly decreased TNF α mRNA level and TNF α immunoreactive material in rat liver.
10, OBJECTIVE To investigate into the morphology of levator ani muscle and its anatomical relationship to anorectum so as to provide reference data for the prevention of anus incontinence with surgery.
11, AIC ? ? and Angiotensin I ( AnI ) were the polypeptides with single charge.
12, This paper reports 20 cases of congenital atresia ani treated by anoplasty through sacroperineal approach.
13, Conclusions : Reconstruction of the function of sphincter ani could be achieved through transposition of inferior part of gluteus maximus flap pediceled with inferior gluteal artery .
14, While performing the bimanual examination, levator ani muscle function can be evaluated by asking the patient to tighten her "vaginal muscles"and hold the contraction as long as possible.
15, Like other ani - mals, their first concern is feeding themselves and protecting themselves from the climate.
16, Al - Ani was placed in the back of a waiting patrol car.
17, Observing the influence of Ani on NO, ET - 1 and energy metabolism during the reperfusion period.
18, Such extreme sociability is unusual among birds; but the appearance of domestic harmony within the ani groups is deceptive.
19, The source of Mr Mukhametshin's wealth is a private company called, unsurprisingly,[] Anis.
20, It was Verhencamp who discovered the truth - female anis throw each other's eggs out of the nest.
21, Animals seminal plasma contains some bioactive proteins and peptides associated with ani - mal reproduction physiological activities.
22, To understand the vulnerability, a basic knowledge about the. ANI file format is required.
23, This case is the first reported incident of a patient using a toothbrush to relieve his pruritus ani and subsequently losing it up into the rectum.
24, DiscussionThe STZ rat model is used commonly experimental diabetic ani - mal model.
25, Objective: To provide anatomic data for reconstructing the function of sphincter ani by transposition of gluteus maximus .
26, Large - caliber rifles for ultra - long range sniping and ani - material use, and silenced rifles for covert operations.
27, History of Mankind 8: Alcyone library Discover Book of Creation - Book of Ani!
28, When patients are instructed to perform sphincter exercises postoperatively, they are actually contracting the ani musculature.
29, Both the television and radio productions are narrated by a folk guitarist, Ani DiFranco.
30, The young people fell in love and lived surrounded by ani mals and poppies.
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