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Alvin in a sentence

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Sentence count:181Posted:2018-07-28Updated:2020-07-24
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31. In what time he had left in his daily life, Alvin busily worked out the rest of the concert details.
32. Alvin talked a lot about Horton to Beckford but made no move to return to Los Angeles.
33. Back in the United States, Alvin wasted no time in proposing ways of doing that on future modern dance tours.
34. Like you they want to dance-not just any old way but a la Alvin Ailey.
35. When Alvin arrived, he was pressed into rapid service of the sort he was learning of necessity to thrive on.
36. Late into the rehearsal period, Alvin began work with her on a new duet called Creation of the World.
37. One day when Alvin was two, Lula put on a pot of beans to cook for dinner that night.
38. Characteristically, Alvin rarely wrote about finances, concentrating instead on touring conditions, reviews and his many plans for the company.
39. His meeting with the Holtzes seemed to have refreshed Alvin and cleared his mind.
40. They pushed the chairs back and danced as Alvin watched thoughtfully.
41. If Alvin carried the card as a talisman, it worked.
42. Alvin shot marbles in the road and had a brick lobbed at him by a little girl with whom he played.
43. Back home, Alvin felt worn out and hungry for the solitude that had once fed him.
44. Alvin flew into a flurry of activity, managing to overspend the grants without finishing his own projects.
45. Alvin 1 214 was able to fly on alone to book rooms for the dancers, who would travel by train.
46. Alvin had given her several names, Lathem told Truitte, but had suggested that he would be the most objective.
47. Beneath the wariness and studied detachment that made for a near-impenetrable protective shell, Alvin was lonelier than ever.
48. About three months after the wedding, he began taking Alvin with him to baseball and football games.
49. Just three years into his formal career as a choreographer, Alvin was discovering the law that would govern his entire career.
50. For a messy person, Alvin had a wonderful planning mind.
51. Even such popular futurists as Alvin and Heidi Toffler generally subsume women into a homogeneous, unisex future.
52. Alvin is recovered first[], and then the ship is brought into position to pick up the transponder.
53. He cast Alvin as a sacrificial fowl-carrier instead, but Alvin pulled out altogether when he became sick with mononucleosis.
54. But there were no nibbles from Alvin, so Williams joined the Graham company in 1963.
55. During that day on Lulu, I watched closely the men who tended Alvin and envied them the challenge of their job.
56. Alvin is a tough boat, but she does not take too well to crash landings on the seafloor.
57. Lula exclaimed when Alvin approached her with news of a school football game he was to play in.
58. Moving away from the camera, Alvin posed beside Rose Garden tubeworms, providing unarguable proof of dimension.
59. And when the door opened at last, Alvin was greeted with a vision of opulent loveliness.
60. It became a cozy, happy center of operations, but Alvin insisted on meeting people downstairs or somewhere else entirely.
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