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Albeit in a sentence

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Sentence count:167+5Posted:2016-11-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: fall behindalbumjudicial brancheitherfor the time beingneitherforfeitconceit
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61. Despite these difficulties, Catholic biblical scholarship had advanced, albeit cautiously, particularly as far as the Old Testament was concerned.
62. Then she'd become just another notch on his bedpost - another victory, albeit not won with quite his usual ease.
63. Generic substitution enables the same drug to be dispensed by the chemist, albeit under a different band name.
64. And high temperatures automatically followed, since the whole process was nothing more than a large explosion, albeit a controlled one.
65. The day before F's death the prisoner who had attacked him was moved into a nearby cell, albeit under continual observation.
66. In the event, an activity-based curriculum went ahead, albeit somewhat clandestinely.
67. Albeit less impressionistic and insightful, Kemp's analysis is of broader scope and greater clarity than de Santillana's.
67. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
68. Their versatility and light weight makes them attractive for backpacking - albeit at a price.
69. The Bloomsbury Group is only one of dozens of such groups, albeit one whose antics have been chronicled at numbing length.
70. Looking like a standard industrial plant - albeit a large one - this is the home of Stoddard's factory in Runcorn.
71. However, this initial, albeit restricted, study has demonstrated the usefulness of vitrinite reflectance data in other than strictly maturation-related applications.
72. In 1983 she found an answer - albeit the wrong one to all her problems.
73. In an increasingly cut-throat environment, purely political, or ideological, considerations may be important, albeit secondary.
74. In proposing such unpalatable measures, albeit with reluctance[], the Big Five were showing both realism and courage.
75. The second time I had a affair, I learned a lesson which was even more valuable, albeit terribly painful.
76. So even two-player matches are like watching two top pros playing, albeit without the glorious sight of their beer bellies!
77. The first was that it seemed to be producing energy from some almost limitless source, albeit slowly.
78. We might argue, albeit anachronistically, that best commercial practice could also have been adopted in accounting for the bridge.
79. This success was to be repeated, albeit less convincingly, eighteen months later when much-delayed legislative elections were held.
80. They also valued her ability to converse with them in Quechua, albeit in limited fashion.
81. Let us now turn to one of the definitions most favoured in the literature, albeit mostly in an implicit form.
82. At the same time we have established the conference, albeit adjourned, under the chairmanship of Lord Carrington.
83. But he is a pragmatist, albeit a principled one.
84. It is a pretty story, albeit a trifle naif.
85. As easy as Bentley, albeit a ridiculously fast one.
86. Oddly, they have succeeded, albeit on a modest scale.
87. In a testament to the power of tender loving care, the featherless cockatoo is not only alive, but thriving, albeit still featherlessly.
88. There are some third-party browsers for Apple's tablet, such as Skyfire and Puffin, that do run Flash on Web pages, albeit clumsily at times.
89. It is more concisely shaped than some of its predecessors, partly because the Met owns only 11 confirmed Hals paintings — albeit more than any other American museum.
90. Gu Dexin actually had some very good things to say about those, albeit in the context of a scathing critique of authoritarianism at Galleria Continua earlier this summer.
More similar words: fall behindalbumjudicial brancheitherfor the time beingneitherforfeitconceitdeceitfulconceitedreiteratecome into beingtake it easybe independent of
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