Similar words: aimless, rimless, uselessly, carelessly, endlessly, tactlessly, tirelessly, hopelessly. Meaning: adv. in an aimless manner.

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31 Some people keep wandering aimlessly from womb to tomb. They seek nothing and achieve nothing. RVM 

32 One night, he stumbled out of his house in the Los Gatos hills, wandering aimlessly.
33 By wandering aimlessly, all places became equal, and it no longer mattered where he was.
34 Are they floating aimlessly, or have they migrated to his bone marrow, where they belong?
35 With a laugh she watched from a doorway as the man searched aimlessly for her.
36 The ride back to the city seemed interminable, and he found himself wandering aimlessly.
37 There is also rambling thought in which the mind is not pressed to solve anything and merely rambles aimlessly.
38 Sadly, most soccer sims just involve hoofing it up the pitch and loads of chasing aimlessly after the ball.
39 Once he started wandering aimlessly, a trainee risked disturbing the gods at play.
40 When the Halliday brothers eventually sighted Johnstone,[] the boat was drifting aimlessly with the tide.
41 Somewhere in the background, the food dispenser drifted aimlessly, offering tasty delicacies to uninterested people.
42 There followed a period of over a year when Karl moved aimlessly through a succession of jobs.
43 One Sunday evening in 1942 he wandered aimlessly into the old Memorial Church.
44 A raven flaps aimlessly across the scene, and white-throated swifts swoop past in violent arcs.
45 He wandered aimlessly on from one squalid street to another.
46 They wandered on, aimlessly kicking at the pine cones.
47 He talks aimlessly without stopping.
48 To waste time by puttering aimlessly; dawdle.
49 Nancy wander for hour aimlessly along the intertwining road and footpath.
50 There he spends his time wandering aimlessly from one brief encounter to another, getting progressively more disgusted with what he calls the phoniness of the adult world.
51 Occasionally a sightseer would appear and wander aimlessly by, but of all who passed none was aware that anything extraordinary had occurred.
52 Dyke went down the stairs to the street and proceeded onward aimlessly vacantly at the sidewalk.
53 He wandered aimlessly in a strange land since his childhood.
54 Finally Richards got up and strode aimlessly about the room, ploughing his hands through his hair, much as a somnambulist might do who was having a bad dream.
55 It can make you freeze, panic, chatter aimlessly, lose your train of thought or perspire profusely.
56 One day, a young man in a bad mood, because he walked out of the door, wander aimlessly gallivant about, unconsciously came to the deep forest.
57 Once the wander - aimlessly module was debugged and flawlessly, it was never altered.
58 I roamed through Cherbourg aimlessly after spending six months at sea.
59 Ross drove aimlessly through the outer suburbs, sharing the wide, wet road with the occasional noctambulant alley cat, a carload of cheering carousers, and electric mini-van delivering milk.
60 Your yesterday's overbearing tone"Donot go" nailed me in front of the computer, chin-wagging with you aimlessly.
More similar words: aimless, rimless, uselessly, carelessly, endlessly, tactlessly, tirelessly, hopelessly, helplessly, ruthlessly, recklessly, listlessly, restlessly, effortlessly, ceaselessly, mercilessly, soundlessly, speechlessly, relentlessly, formless, harmless, seamless, expressly, carelessness, uselessness, selflessness, tactlessness, faithlessness, limitlessness, powerlessness.