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Ab- in a sentence

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Sentence count:28Posted:2018-08-22Updated:2020-07-24
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1, The line AB intersects the line CD at E.
2, The lines AB and CD intersect at E.
3, Let line AB be equal to line CD.
4, AB and CD intersect at P.
5, The line AB intersects the line CD at O.
6, Throughout the exercise, focus on keeping your abs tight.
7, The letters AB begin the alphabet.
8, Lines AB and CD are parallel.
9, Make AB squares CD.
10, As soon as the girl saw her mother coming, she tried to abs quickly.
11, Let the point where AB cuts CD be called E.
12, The line AB cuts the line CD at the point E.
13, If you do not have ABS(, pump gently but firmly.
14, Because, as far as Juliet could see, there were two ways in which Donna could have received her AB blood group.
15, A few months later, in the February of 1966, ABS informed me that I was being posted to London.
16, In trading on the Nasdaq Stock Market, ABS closed at $ 6. 75, down 50 cents.
17, The survey used standard socio-economic groups: AB which covers management, professional, technical and administrative occupations.
18, Exposure to the AB compound itself will be much more likely to generate latent inhibition.
19, The Assembly approved the bill, AB 1542, on a 64-11 vote.
20, Car drivers are turned on by such things as four-wheel drive, ABS, airbags and the like.
21, We can choose parameter S to improve ab- solute stability, i. e. to extend the region of absolute stability.
22, Conclusion:With the treatment of MEBT/MEBO, the ab- sorption of the pesticide through the wounds was reduced and physiological repair of the wound could be achieved.
23, A hat, A hula-hoop,( Even an Ab- roller. The roots of his creativity; moments of meditation in the center spokes of the sunflowers at his home in Connecticut.
24, Through the selection of rational technology and parameter, AB- carrousel oxidation ditch process can be used to treat wastewater from pulp making efficiently and economically.
25, The simulated experiments demonstrate that our approach can effectively identify local ab- normality in large spatial data sets.
26, That not enough has been written about his family is strange in that Obama himself devoted a remarkable book, "Dreams From My Father, " to his quest to fill the void left by an ab- sent Dad.
27, At the same time, this paper also analyses and studies the chemical reaction mechanism and absorption dynamics when SO2 is ab- sorbed.
28, DV Doppler waveform of this dextrocardia fetus showed a nearly ab- sent atrial systole wave.
Total 28, 30 Per page  1/1 
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