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G. in a sentence

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Sentence count:137+1Posted:2018-10-01Updated:2020-07-24
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91. Many of the Site Classe areas are small and not subject to change, e. g. small lakes, wetlands or high pasture.
92. Here there may be a strong interaction with other areas of the local service-base, e.g. universities, industry research labs etc.
93. Low structure and tussock shape, which gives protection from drying winds, e.g. heather, bilberry.
94. Understand and use simple rates; e.g. £ per hour, miles per gallon.
95. The ventral part of the arms does not have the small granules found in G. caputmedusae.
96. FIG. 5 Summary of signalling pathways operating during G 1.
97. Commodore G. Paul, plans of the drainage under the green had been made for future reference.
98. This would include prescribed medication and examinations by suitably qualified professions e.g. doctors, physiotherapists etc.
98. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
99. G.J. Allman lectured in March 1873 on another Darwinian theme, the formation of coral islands.
100. A country can also derive export revenue from service income, e.g. shipping and tourism, together with remittances from overseas workers.
101. On this performance Leeds should record a few more away victories e.g. Swindon.
102. Nor could the G.L.C. defend its policy on the basis that it possessed a mandate to lower fares.
103. popular pets, e.g. cats and dogs.
104. Bridget : Supper . Thanks, Uncle G.
105. What does K. G. signify?
106. Or consider how you can acquire these skills, e.g. by taking extra courses.
107. We need helpers of all types, engineers, scientists (e.g. geologists) and teachers.
108. Please state whether the proposed project will incur any recurrent cost, e . g.
109. Review and authorize necessary vouchers e . g. payment voucher, journal vouchers etc.
110. Those who look to behaviorism in teaching will generally frame their activities by behavioral objectives e . g.
111. Planar double - enveloping reducer is used for paper cutting drive, fast cutting speed, low noise . G.
112. It is a fishnet made of very fine wires and weighing less than 30 g.
113. General Harold G . Moore and Joseph L . Galloway, We Were Soldiers Once and Young.
114. E . g. 691 ( 18 th Street central office ) and 240 ( West Street central office ).
115. E . g. some text is different, header needs to be improved, colour scheme could be better.
116. The photo - catalytic degradation of an azo - dye acid red G.
117. On complementation, we obtain the list of all maximal independent sets of G.
118. The author deals mainly with the ferrocyanide toning process, e . g . iron blue toning, copper red toning.
119. G. B. S. are the initials for George Bernard Shaw.
120. W . G Grace stood alone as the best cricketer of his time . W . G.
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