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EFL in a sentence

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Sentence count:41+1Posted:2018-09-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: refletteflonrefluxreflexdeflatehouseflyhouse flyreflect
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31. The focus of this thesis is the implementation of formative assessment in the EFL classroom.
32. That is, schema-theory-based pre-reading activities had good effects on Chinese college students' EFL reading comprehension.
33. This study aimed to explore online strategy use among EFL learners of different language proficiencies.
34. This situation calls for a new (sub)type of learner's dictionary designed for EFL/ESL learners to enhance the cognitive effect of English language learning.
35. This study was designed to investigate the facilitative effects of causal coherence of a text on constructing the theme of a narrative text by Chinese EFL learners.
36. Teaching idioms has remained a challenge in the EFL or SLA classrooms.
37. Two high - beginner level EFL classes participated,[] and both used authentic and artificial material alternately.
38. What attitudes do Chinese EFL learners hold towards C-test, namely, what about the face validity of C-test?
39. As a result, affect in EFL acquisition has attracted more and more attention.
40. This thesis aims to examine English tense-aspect use by Chinese EFL learners from the perspective of markedness.
41. EFL ( as a foreign language ) writing is one of the four basic skills of English learning.
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