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400 in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+18Posted:2018-02-12Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being one hundred more than three hundred. 
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211 And his electrically-powered Sungift 400 buggy was nearly blown over every time a juggernaut roared by.
212 There is a light aviation service on Prestel, Skymaster, which receives, on average, about 400 calls a day.
213 The 247,400 million peso budget involved increasing spending by 17.9 percent over the adjusted 1990 budget of 209,800 million pesos.
214 Preheat oven to 400 F.. In a food processor or blender, combine all coating ingredients and blend until smooth.
215 There are wetlands, too, glittering with dragonfly and edged with boundary oaks in excess of 400 years old.
216 The population has remained between 300 to 400, as the village has never been designated for large residential development.
217 Over 400 school children took part in the mock shopping experience.
218 Nearly 400, 000 jobs disappeared in major layoffs announced within the past year.
219 His $ 400, 000 loan application is still pending before the federal Small Business Administration.
220 According to Greenpeace, 1,100 tons of munitions were dumped at the site in 1991 and 8,400 tons thus far this year.
221 For this was the first railway suspension bridge in the world, constructed at a cost of only $ 400, 000.
222 Atmel is spending $ 400 million this year in a vain attempt to meet demand.
223 Dairy jobs to go About 400 jobs will go with the closure of two dairies, it was announced yesterday.
224 This time it is a 5.5-mile event with 1,400 feet of climbing at Nebo, near Penygroes.
225 Now it is a national charity employing 20 people centrally and administering the work of 400 co-ordinators employed around the country.
226 Half of the 400 national representatives would be elected on a constituency basis and the other half by proportional representation.
227 I always felt that 4 men going out no more than 400 meters would be quieter and less conspicuous.
228 Mr Chilchutt started by welding a different nose on to his Studebaker before squeezing a 400 horse-power Chevrolet V8 under the bonnet.
229 More than 400 villagers have signed a petition against their application feeling their venture would aggravate the problem.
230 Eighty of 400 dragoons were brought down and the rest fled.
231 Britain also makes more direct private investment in the developing world than any other EC country - some £2,400 million in 1989.
232 Some 400 applicants apply each year for the 110 first-year places.
233 The whole dam bulks about 4,400,000 cubic yards.
234 Heat the oven to 400 degrees F.
235 A soccer ball weighs about 400 grammes.
236 Ted Williams once had a batting average above . 400.
237 The crude, wet benzoate ( 118 grams ) was dissolved with reflux in 1 ,( 400 ml methanol.
238 Congress provided $ 400 million to implement these management programs.
239 Driven by curiosity, he dug deeper and found a group of about 400 colourful jade pieces.
240 Optimize 32 bit native code compiler with up to 300 % - 400 % faster application.
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