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Entangled in a sentence

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Sentence count:137+10Posted:2017-06-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: right-angled triangleentangleentanglementdisentangletangleduntangletanglemangledMeaning: [ɪn'tæŋgl]  adj. 1. deeply involved especially in something complicated 2. twisted together in a tangled mass 3. involved in difficulties. 
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121. In such kind of space, objects and views are illogically entangled together, creating various small spaces, which just like various stages, for the objects to best show themselves.
122. It is a important and simple way to generate and manipulate entangled states in cavity QED.
123. Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
124. These fault-tolerant system requirements and business logic will be entangled together.
125. The system will stay in an entangled state with phase decoherence if the detuning is proper.
126. Alice crouched down among the trees as well as she could, for her neck kept getting entangled among the branches, and every now and then she had to stop and untwist it.
127. A continent-wide crisis of confidence quickly entangled neighboring countries, dozens of banks and even Europe's common currency.
128. Unhardened webs can be destroyed by marines walking through them without causing the player to get entangled.
129. The plastic band is designed with a patented break-away strap that snaps if it becomes entangled.
130. The result shows that the maximally entangled state can be prepared by controlling interaction time.
131. In the meanwhile Hurstwood encountered a humorous item concerning a stranger who had arrived in the city and became entangled with a bunco- steerer .
132. This device could make it possible to manufacture electroluminescent diodes of entangled photon pairs,( with rates close to one gigahertz (in other words around on billion hertz).
133. We show that the entanglement is affected by the BS when the input state of the BS is the entangled coherent state (ECS).
134. We find ourselves entangled with apparently unanswerable problems in unpronounceable places.
135. This scheme is fit for reestablishment of entangled state in teleportation.
136. The birds were entangled in the coils of a net.
137. A scheme is presented to generate the entangled squeezed coherent states via the nonresonant interaction of a two-level atom with a two-mode cavity field.
More similar words: right-angled triangleentangleentanglementdisentangletangleduntangletanglemanglednewfangledrectangleright anglestraight angleanglemanglebangledanglewangleanglerjingleddanglerspanglewrangletrianglewranglerstranglequadrangleobtuse angleangle of incidenceintangibleangle of reflection
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