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Swirling in a sentence

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Sentence count:129+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: swirlairlinecurlingairliftsurlinessswingmudslinginglingeringMeaning: [swɜrl /swɜːl]  adj. moving or driven rapidly in a rotary or twisting motion. 
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1) She smiled, swirling the wine in her glass.
2) The river had become a swirling torrent.
3) The background looked like a swirling Martin windstorm.
4) A world of swirling smoke and smiling wraiths.
5) Splintered wood and shoes swirling round and round.
6) Sensual pleasure had been swirling around her.
7) He never wore swirling capes or giant fedoras.
8) His head filled with bursting light, splintering,( swirling pain.
9) Swirling dust particles caused him to sneeze and he looked down at the old books and papers with watery eyes.
10) Long, slender legs showed beneath the swirling pleats of a school skirt.
11) Her head was swirling, her mind was racing, her ankle was swelling and her left leg was numb.
12) It had started to snow, huge flakes swirling in the cold evening.
13) Just gray skies, continuing strong winds, and swirling deep snow.
14) The sea washed over her, swirling the headscarf into foam that was crimson already.
15) Maybe it was the swirling water, or a bird that flashed by.
16) The paper on the walls was pale gold[], embossed with swirling leaf designs.
17) The bend in the river had caused an eddy of fast swirling water.
18) She gazed down into the ocean, hypnotized by the swirling tide.
19) The depression around the breakwater already resembled a great lake, full of swirling whirlpools.
20) It is dark and cold, and tiny snowflakes are swirling through the trees.
21) The evening was misty and moist, with tendrils of thicker fog swirling around in the night air.
22) Several fires were burning, the green wood being used sending clouds of acrid smoke swirling among the tents and make-shift huts.
23) Edward lifted it and splashed a little water into the teapot, swirling it around.
24) The gigantic storms measure about 50 miles in diameter and tower 50 to 60 miles above the swirling Jovian atmosphere.
25) As he watched, the first few flakes of snow came swirling down.
26) They came to a large square, dazzling white from swirling snowdrifts.
27) Blood from Forster's broken body was floating away in clouds, finally swirling in a whirlpool above the drain.
28) Now we took it for granted that seawater came swirling up around our feet whenever we left the cabin or cockpit baskets.
29) Drawn up and panting on the open track, Engine No.707 and coach 3113 looked black against the swirling snowstorm.
30) Traffic screeched to a stop and dozens of people dashed to grab handfuls of notes swirling in the wind.
More similar words: swirlairlinecurlingairliftsurlinessswingmudslinginglingeringswimmingin full swingclingflingslinglingerrulingailingmillinginklingwillingyellinghaulingceilingsiblingrollingwailingramblingdanglingducklingdarklingfeelings
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