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Tui in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2018-08-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: intuitnoctuidfortuityfatuitytuitiongratuityfortuitousintuitive
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1. Surge domine disepentur inimici tui et fugent qui oderunt te a facie tua—Rise up, Lord, may your enemies be dispersed and those who hate you flee from your face.
2. Unlike some competitors, Tui Lifestyle only sells its furniture instead of leasing it.
3. In May, German travel giant Preussag, now called TUI, revealed plans to launch a budget airline.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
4. Peter Long, the TUI chief executive, has long argued that his company had a more efficient, flexible and durable business model.
5. Q: What business does Tui china do in china aside from inbound?
6. It emerges that Tui is five months pregnant and refusing to name the father.
7. What business does Tui china do in china aside inbound?
8. Neither did presentations by TUI to investors a day earlier appear to have gone down terribly well.
9. In the letter, Tui said it was entitled to pay in whatever currency was in use.
10. Peter Long, the chief executive of TUI Travel, is to be chairman of TUI Deutschland.
11. British shareholders will be keen for Peter Long, the highly regarded TUI Travel chief executive, to remain at the helm.
12. Hot on the heels of Harriet Green's appointment as chief executive of Thomas Cook, Janis Kong has joined the board of TUI Travel.
13. But over the past year the flight paths of TUI Travel and Thomas Cook have diverged.
14. Followed by the Lou, but Xiao, and Ping (broom dishes), while Xue and Tui (Motherwort), while the spears, habitat successive droughts.
15. Morgan Stanley does not much fancy package holidays not when they come courtesy of TUI Travel, anyway.
16. Fairly early on, we find out what Robin has in common with Tui.
17. He is preparing to push ahead to put even more clear water between TUI Travel and its shrinking rival.
18. The female athletics gymnastics vaulting horse is the horizontal horse, by Ma Shen, Ma Tui and the foundation is composed.
19. "If Thomas Cook lose volume, we are the natural beneficiary," Peter Long, TUI chief executive, said.
20. Nadolo featured in the 27-22 defeat at Headingley alongside Hoani Tui and Ignacio Mieres.
21. The German group runs hotels and resorts and cruisers under the World of TUI badge.
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