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Traveling in a sentence

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Sentence count:235+9Posted:2017-07-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: itinerantroadtouringtraveltravellingSimilar words: travellingtraveltravel totravelertraveledtravelledtravellerjavelinMeaning: ['trævlɪŋ]  n. the act of going from one place to another. adj. working for a short time in different places. 
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151. Three or four centuries ago a group of itinerant actors had asked for the protection of some traveling Raika.
152. Compared to my traveling companions, I had burdened myself with an almost impossible goal for our week-long journey in the Sierra.
153. An old Rabari arrived, a skeleton in rags like all traveling pastoralists in this area.
154. What my traveling companion remembered from the mid 1970s as a lonely, windswept point has become a bustling little town.
155. The hospitality industry has been particularly interested in providing an easier and more cost-effective way to be accessible to traveling customers.
156. It would be like traveling on some airlines I could name.
157. But my traveling companion, more wary and savvy than I, smelled scam.
158. Passengers traveling on other carriers can ask their physicians to suggest a similar regimen.
159. He allegedly made threats against former President Bush at a time when Bush was traveling the state.
160. How does having their own individual time cause people traveling at different speeds to measure the same speed of light?
161. Pilgrims never stopped traveling to Lourdes or Fatima(, and even the most conventional churches had continued to pray for the sick.
162. Raymond is traveling full speed downhill on his own momentum.
163. I turn next to ways to stay connected when you are traveling.
164. Also check on whether you can buy a coupon booklet for a traveling companion under the age of 62.
165. I had traveling money and got crocked in the bar downstairs.
166. I have two suitcases and a traveling bag.
167. The peninsula was canalized to save ships traveling time.
168. We broaden in experiences by traveling.
169. Missus Benny soon became part of the traveling show.
170. Traveling wave is a mutation and singularity signal.
171. Top up after a car traveling n kilometers.
172. Reading and traveling broaden the mind.
173. Traveling during peak season can be a hassle.
174. In view of special headroom requirement and some problems in designing overhead traveling crane with slewing hoisting mechanism, it presents the overall scheme design and the mechanisms design.
175. The external inspirator is available to drive the resonator to produce traveling wave. Under resonant frequency the distortion of resonator reached a peak.
176. Traveling Salesman Problem, or TSP problem ( Travelling Salesman Problem ) is a well - known field of mathematics problems.
177. A fast railroad train, traveling 96 kilometers an hour, takes more than 48 hours to cross the country.
178. Starting from the circuit vibration equation, the paper explains the basic spread theory of traveling wave.
179. His sudden illness was the death knell of his hope to go traveling with his schoolmates.
180. Thus, I go on traveling on my way but don't know how long can I get to the next city, becoming mazy.
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