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Token ring in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2019-04-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: token-ringtokenbetokentokenismin token oftoken moneylove tokenas a token of
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1. It also connects into Ethernet networks, and Token Ring will be available by the end of the year.
2. Don't confuse FDDI's ring structure with Token Ring.
3. For example, 16-bit token ring has a default MTU size of 17914, while Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) has a default size of 4352.
4. In a Token Ring network architecture, if a node receives a token and has data to transmit.
5. In Token Ring network architecture, if a node receives a token and has data to transmit.
6. A packet sniffer for a token ring network could detect that the token has been lost or the presence of too many tokens (verifying the protocol).
7. It eventually supplanted competing technologies like IBM's Token Ring and General Motors' Token Bus to become the predominant standard for local-area networks.
8. In Token Ring, there's one token that gets passed from one machine to the next.
9. Supported Ethernet gateway configurations are similar to those currently supported by 3174 Token Ring gateway configurations.
10. Its answer lies in the impending switched token - ring standard, called 802.5 r Dedicated Token Ring ( DTR ).
11. There are several different types of hardware schemes such as Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, Token Bus, etc.
12. The remote failure monitoring system with network technology based on the application of super orlof intaglio press and ARCNET token ring protocol is developed.
12. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
13. LANE takes a point-to-point oriented ATM network and allows today's servers and clients to see the network as a broadcast-capable Ethernet or Token Ring network while still running IP (and soon, IPX).
14. However, the cable does in fact form a ring, and Token Ring uses a somewhat complex token passing system to determine which computer gets to send a packet at which time.
15. CFI is used for compatibility between Ethernet type network and Token Ring networks.
16. A token bus network is very similar to a token ring network.
17. Q - Describe the type of media access used by Token Ring.
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