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Temperature sensor in a sentence

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Sentence count:67Posted:2018-09-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: temperature scaletemperaturetemperature rangehigh temperaturetemperature riserun a temperaturebody temperatureroom temperature
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1. Disconnect wiring connector at engine coolant temperature sensor.
2. The temperature sensor is enclosed in a protective well.
3. The temperature sensor includes thermocouple, thermoelectrical resistance mainly.
4. The temperature sensor is made of a PN junction. The humidity sensor is made of heated lithium chloride dew point type. The air velocity sensor is omnidirectional.
5. AD590 is used as a temperature sensor assisted by operation magnifier with high input resistance which can be used for long distance testing.
6. Remove the in - vehicle temperature sensor from the instrument panel.
7. We can make LPG temperature sensor with a high sensitivity ratio in this way.
8. Resistance of PT100 is used as temperature sensor assisted by operation magnifier with high input resistance , it can be used for high accurate temperature measuring.
9. Locate the ambient temperature sensor, on the radiator support behind the grille.
10. Objective To design a new digital temperature sensor with quartz crystal for manned space flight.
11. Automatic temperature control valve is a temperature sensor Self - supporting implementing agencies and special thermostatic body composition.
12. The joint end of the temperature sensor is the end head or middle end of two bisymmetry and parallel temperature sensors.
13. The temperature is measured with an integrated temperature sensor AD590, amplified and zeroed through an analog circuit, displayed directly by a digital voltmeter.
14. Industrial Supplies Stocks, Temperature Sensor, Thermocouple , Resistance Thermometer , Pyrometer , Rtd Industrial Supplies Stocks.
15. To enable 27 address combinations, this temperature sensor provides three dedicated address pins that can be placed in one of three states: tied to GND, tied to VDD, or left floating.
16. Such as Pt100 temperature sensor, hot resistance signal conditioning and H bridge reversible driver.
17. Special temperature sensor must be developed in order to meet the need of specific environment including highly erodent, heat melt,( vacuum and carburizing etc. die characteristic.
18. This paper describes the development of measuring instrument, including temperature sensor, microcontroller interface and its applications.
19. A heating element is designed using resistance heating silk and printed board, and an instrument of temperature measurement and control is designed using transistor as the temperature sensor.
20. A sensor in the utility model adopts a no-leakage PH composite electrode and an annular conductance electrode in which a temperature sensor is arranged.
21. The intelligence vortex flowmeter system is consisted of vortex sensor, temperature sensor, pressure sensor, LCD module and master controller, etc.
22. A way of measuring the radiation coefficient of the platinum resistance temperature sensor is given.
23. The automatic control system, which is composed of alarm system, switching soil moisture sensor and switching temperature sensor, makes joint control with the manual control system.
24. This paper introduces the design and manufacture of a kind of fiberoptic fluorescence temperature sensor.
25. Very long thermocouples are okay (even 100m), but if there is measurement stability issues or USB resets, ferrite beads can be added to the thermocouple wire close to the Phidget Temperature Sensor.
26. Grand factory of thermal resistor of bright electron Inc. is grand bright subordinate thermistor and manufacturer of temperature sensor major.
27. Finally the inner block structure and main characters of the TMP100, digital temperature sensor, the important chip in this system are introduced.
27. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
28. The influence on temperature measurement of the non-linearity, the fractional frequency uncertainty and the overheating effect of quartz temperature sensor have been analyzed.
29. This paper introduces a new wireless sensing system of the one port SAW temperature sensor. It analyzes the response of the one port SAW excited by interval sinusoidal signal.
30. After carefully studying the principle of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor and magnetostriction effect, the models of strain viability and temperature sensor are established respectively.
More similar words: temperature scaletemperaturetemperature rangehigh temperaturetemperature riserun a temperaturebody temperatureroom temperaturecurie temperaturehave a temperaturetemperature changestandard temperatureambient temperaturecritical temperatureabsolute temperaturetemperature gradienttemperature indicatortemperature inversionsensory systemtemperateintemperatetemperatelytemperate zoneliteraturecomparative literatureimperative sentencesales literaturesensorsensorysensorial
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