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Telecommunication network in a sentence

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Sentence count:31Posted:2024-09-19Updated:2024-09-19
Similar words: communication networkdata communication networktelecommunicationtelecommunicationstelecommunication systemtelecommunication equipmenttelephone communicationmobile communication
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1. US companies have invested heavily in their telecommunications networks.
2. Bus-route planners could learn a lot from telecommunications networks.
3. In common with the main exchange, the market changed from dealing on the floor to dealing through telecommunications networks.
4. The compression will let digital audio-visual services be carried by terrestrial and satellite channels, telecommunications networks or digital storage devices.
5. Instead of a single meeting place, we have far-flung, interactive telecommunications networks that extend for thousands of miles.
6. Soon, the entire global telecommunications network is buzzing with Tonellis.
7. We will encourage the development of the most modern telecommunications networks.
8. San Diego is also looking to expand and upgrade its fiber-optic telecommunications network.
9. Analogue telecommunications networks and devices will become a thing of the past - eventually.
10. Teams that have substantial capital tied up in computers or telecommunications networks may monitor computer usage or net-work usage.
11. Pictures and sound are carried by the telecommunication network.
12. Mainly used in mobile telecommunication network programming.
13. This article outlines the new telecommunication network devd olmert.
14. Since Bell invented the telephone in 1876, telecommunication network has taken an unceasing development.
15. The ISDN is promising telecommunication network which gain great progress in recent years.
16. PBX has played an important role in telecommunication network. It is ideal equipment to extern telecommunication system and terminals.
17. In telecommunication network management system, in order to carry on the management and the optimizing performance to the telecommunication equipment, the data inquiry operation is essential.
18. It is the architecture for telecommunication network management based on OSI's system management concept.
19. In mobile telecommunication network management(, the repeater monitoring has always been a relatively weakness.
20. Bifurcated, in a telecommunication network, refers to a two-pronged connector.
21. In a huge telecommunication network, there are many devices from different manufactures.
22. Automating the telecommunication network management is one of key facts to improve the service.
23. Outgoing Sender is an equipment in telecommunication network that transmits call completion information on an interoffice call.
24. As the neural system of telecommunication network, the security problem of signaling system 7(SS7) becomes more serious.
25. The experiment result indicates that the system is designed can control the traffic of telecommunication network.
26. The switch signal was encoded directly and one state was expressed with 3 long distance sequence code, then it was transmitted through the digital relay line of telecommunication network.
27. Connection to a data communications network through a public switched telecommunication network.
28. OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) is a standard description or "reference model" for how messages should be transmitted between any two points in a telecommunication
29. The traffic load of softswitch call server is huge which influences the performance of telecommunication network.
30. It cant be described with current traffic model to the high burst of telecommunication network traffic.
More similar words: communication networkdata communication networktelecommunicationtelecommunicationstelecommunication systemtelecommunication equipmenttelephone communicationmobile communicationelectronic communicationelectrical communicationreliable communicationsatellite communicationsatellite communication systemvoice communicationcommunication channelon-line communicationcommunication channelsCommunication satellitecooperative communicationadaptive communicationwireless communicationcommunications satellitemicrowave communicationcommunicationman-machine communicationcommunicationslong-distance communicationcommunicationalexcommunicationone-way communication
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