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Symbol in a sentence

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Sentence count:251+13Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: symbolic representationsymbolisationsymbolizationSimilar words: symbolicboltakimbosymptombolstersympathyflamboyantMeaning: ['sɪmbl]  n. 1. an arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has acquired a conventional significance 2. something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible. 
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181. The symbol of the new age is the new Euston, an all-purpose combination of airport lounge and open-plan public lavatory.
182. A symbol of lesser importance was the cross and its variants such as the star, wheel and swastika.
183. Today, the cowboy hat is an unmistakable symbol of America.
184. Like Nelson Mandela later, he became a symbol and a rallying point.
185. In literature, the swan has been a symbol of purity and virtue.
186. The basic form of composition is a circle, symbol of unity, embracing all three angels.
187. In the long-run every Government is the exact symbol of its People, with their wisdom and unwisdom; we have to say, Like People like Government. Thomas Carlyle 
188. They also hint that perhaps there is some hidden carrot symbol hidden deep in the human psyche.
189. Its organisers chose Palermo because it was the symbol of victory against organised crime.
190. We ought to replace that yin-yang symbol on our flag with a phallus.
191. In the true manner of archetypes it was probably realized as a feedback symbol independently more than once.
192. A symbol suggests ideas(, it brings together different concepts and perceptions.
193. The whale then becomes a fine symbol for Melville because it is for him neither fish nor mammal.
194. It takes the male dominance in our culture and uses that to limit the power of the symbol.
195. In an age in which we have a keen sense for the difference between fact and symbol, Wilson-Kastner makes no distinction.
196. As he well knew, the people were cheering the symbol rather than the man.
197. Eggs are an international symbol of Easter, the sign of rebirth and new life.
198. A 250-foot communications tower becomes a symbol of environmental decay as well asa cancer-causing blight on society.
199. The crucial point is that the very potent symbol of Einstein was not a representation of the theory of relativity.
200. All they see is a baby, a newborn baby, a symbol of all people care about.
201. He left Downing Street in 1963 almost an object of ridicule, condemned in Gibbonian terms as the symbol of national decay.
202. In folklore the snake is often a symbol of evil.
203. Boss Mangan, the symbol of industrial and political might, is a love-stricken wreck easily manipulated by the go-getting Ellie Dunn.
204. Patricia Schroeder of Colorado remains a cautionary symbol of the unfair double standard in the let-your-emotions-all-hang-out department.
205. And he had one item, it was a plaque showing a lion rampant[Sentencedict], the heraldic symbol.
206. Physical therapy and the physical therapist came to be the source and symbol of healing for patients.
207. Consumer goods are a symbol of prestige in an affluent society.
208. The bread and wine are symbols of our daily life, just as the collection is a symbol of our daily work.
209. Here it is the State that employs a flag as a symbol of adherence to government as presently organized.
210. They gave every athlete an olive branch as a symbol of peace.
More similar words: symbolicboltakimbosymptombolstersympathyflamboyant
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