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Stores in a sentence

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Sentence count:300+23Posted:2017-10-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: restorerestorerchain storeshardware storestorestoreystoredin store
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91. Animal rights extremists have threatened to firebomb any department stores that continue to stock fur coats.
92. Record stores are expecting a huge rush for the single.
93. The company now has over 50 stores dotted about the world.
94. The bargain prices are expected to entice customers away from other stores.
95. The company has over 20 stores dotted around the country.
96. Many of their cheeses are exclusive to our stores in Britain.
97. When food stores close, they go to work, pilfering food for resale on the black market.
98. There's a small general stores in the village where you can get anything from stamps to potatoes.
99. I stayed in England a lot of weeks. When a lot of/lots of means 'many', it takes a plural verb:Lots of people like Italian food. You can also use plenty of :Plenty of stores stay open late. These phrases can also be used in questions and negative sentences.
100. The receivers are keen to sell the stores as one lot.
101. He claimed that the large stores were enriching themselves at the expense of their customers.
102. The stores have to compete for customers in the Christmas season.
103. Trade is migrating from local shops to the larger out-of-town stores.
104. Individualism has been the secret ingredient in developing his chain of fashion stores.
105. Most big stores admit they daren't put prices up for fear of losing their customers.
106. Food stores are reported to be running dangerously low in the capital.
107. There are various stores and restaurants all under one roof.
108. These tokens can be exchanged for merchandise in any of our stores.
109. Course all the stores are closed now.
110. Some toy stores help with assembly.
111. South Coast processes and stores oil and chemical products.
112. Stores are paid for handling the coupons.
112. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
113. Both products are available from chemists and department stores.
114. A basic information system merely classifies and stores data.
115. Most of the stores close at 6:30.
116. Bigger discount stores carry name-brand merchandise at low prices.
117. Online stores are open around the clock.
118. The report compares home computers currently available in stores.
119. After consulting with experts and testing the boots on professional riders[], they introduced Ariat boots to stores in 1992.
120. I got a little work-bench in there, and me stores of sprays and weed-killers and potting compost.
More similar words: restorerestorerchain storeshardware storestorestoreystoredin storestore upcandy storestore housestorehousedrugstorebookstorestoreroomstore cardshoe storestorefrontchain storestorekeeperstore creditmultistoreyretail storegrocery storejewelry storegeneral storelay to restresistorclothing storefirestorm
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