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Slowdown in a sentence

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Sentence count:134+2Posted:2016-12-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: slow downrowdycrowdslotpowderslopecrowdeddislodgeMeaning: n. the act of slowing down or falling behind. 
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61 "I would not interpret the currently very flat yield curve as indicating a significant economic slowdown to come," Bernanke said in his first speech to Wall Street as head of the Fed in March 2006.
62 But they will conveniently forget about your hero anointment a few hours later when they have trouble printing because of a network slowdown — you will be enemy No. 1 at that moment.
63 The production slowdown could affect prices on the goods they make so we can buy from them. The left here in America must be fit to be tied.
64 "With the inventory cycle heading into a small de-stocking phase and the overseas economy slowing, the range of the slowdown will possibly surpass expectations," the paper said on Thursday.
65 Jing pointed out that China's economic slowdown, both the property and stock markets nose-dive , the Chinese consumer is a major test of adaptability.
66 But the moderate slowdown was widely anticipated and is not a cause for concern for economists, many of whom were worried about China's economy overheating and falling in danger of rampant inflation.
67 At any hint of a slowdown they shed theshort - timers.
68 A year on as they get together at L'Aquila and it is more than a slowdown.
69 Discussed braking problem while electric propulsion system slowdown and shut down.
70 Its beginning obscured by unemployment caused by the world economic slowdown, the new technological unemployment may emerge as the great socioeconomic challenge of the end of the 20th century.
71 The durable goods orders report should help to allay fears of a marked slowdown in factory activity.
72 In the international area, business is business, your economic slowdown only shows your incompetence, it has nothing to do with us.
73 The Purchasing Managers Index for October shows business activity in the euro zone is faltering, with France in particular entering a sharp slowdown.
74 Such diversity points to two immediate lessons: macroeconomic cycles matter more than politicians will admit, and the slowdown is not all about Anglo-Saxon sinfulness.
75 And because China is a major holder of United States Treasury debt and a major destination for American investment in recent years, any slowdown would also hurt American cpanies.
76 However, in the third quarter than the growth ring , some banks have registered negative growth showed faint signs of slowdown.
77 As the slowdown gathered steam last year, Europe's steel-pipe producers decided to try another tack.
78 Back in Grand Island, though, there seems to be no slowdown.
79 Its beginning obscured by unemployment caused by the world economic slowdown(1), the new technological unemployment(2)may emerge as the great socioeconomic challenge of the end of the 20th century(3).
80 Advertising and media net revenue declined 10 percent in the third quarter to $15 million on a year-on-year basis, reflecting the overall slowdown in the economy and the travel industry.
81 The primary data suggests that there is a slowdown in this market.
82 Now, as China appears on course to achieve a gentle slowdown this year, a new question has begun to crystalise : could this year's soft landing turn into a hard one next year?
83 As a result of the global economic slowdown, Indonesia's rate of economic growth went from 12 percent last year to 4.3 percent.
84 On past form the slowdown seemed likely to presage a long slump.
85 As the slowdown gathered steam last year,[] Europe's steel-pipe producers and their lawyers decided to try another tack.
86 Inflation and a US slowdown are risks to the US.
87 By setting CHNGPGS_THRESH to a lower amount like 20%, the page cleaners will be triggered more often, but less data will be written to disk, and the slowdown may be unnoticeable by your users.
88 The apparent invulnerability of emerging economies to the US slowdown is noteworthy.
89 Analogously, the slowdown in population growth puts pressure on Social Security finances.
90 Chinese officials and economists are now more worried about a precipitating slowdown than an inflationary build - up.
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