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Seakeeping in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2024-07-11Updated:2024-07-11
Similar words: keepingbeekeepinghousekeepingsafekeepingtimekeepingkeeping housebookkeepingtime keeping
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1. In this paper, the theory of ship seakeeping qualities is used to study three types movements of ship in wave, such as cross sway, longitudinal sway or vertical vibration.
2. Successful application in seakeeping optimal selection shows that this algorithm is helpful for improving ship safety and operation efficiency in rough sea.
3. The accuracy of the ship model seakeeping tests is greatly dependent on the quality of the long-crested irregular waves generated in the test lab.
4. The seakeeping tests in regular head seas show that there is a great difference between deep-Vee and round bilge hull forms, in the term of roll, pitch, vertical acceleration and speed loss.
5. The conclusion about seakeeping optimum selection for replenishment is drawn that sea- keeping is sensitive to course, but has a wider range of velocity to select.
6. Through the comparison between two ship's seakeeping characteristics, it is illustrated that the ship is better for army weapons' transplanting when the ship's seakeeping feature is good.
7. During the ship optimization design, a seakeeping program that is fast enough and does not require all data of the ship is needed, since we do not have complete offsets in early stage of design.
8. In this paper the resistance, propulsive performance, seakeeping quality, manoeuvrability and economical criterion of a shallow draught vessel are calculated and analysed.
9. Nowadays SWATH ship becomes an important ship type of high performance due to it's excellent seakeeping feature.
10. Based on the concept of optimizing platform, a fuzzy optimization system for seakeeping performance of ship is created in this paper.
11. The paper also gives predication of ship performance in irregular waves and comparison between the experimental results of varied models of bulb stern fishing boats which have good seakeeping quality.
12. Comparison with test data shows that presumptions by the article are feasible, the method has a high precision and it can be used in the earlier stage seakeeping prediction of conventional catamaran.
13. The test features, model similarity, measurement and analysis of wave, acquisition and processing of data, seakeeping criterion, test procedures and economical analysis are given in detail.
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. It is a significant task of researchers and designers to evaluate a ship, especially a new ship design, which possesses excellent seakeeping or not.
15. This paper embarks the research of the comprehensive evaluation method of seakeeping and its application, utilizing the fruit of the academic prediction of seakeeping.
16. The wavemaker is one of the most important facilities in the ship_model seakeeping basin, and its capability of wave simulation has an effect on the testing of wave seakeeping.
17. The key of army weapon's transplanting on ship is to study seakeeping characteristics of a ship related closely with the procedure of weapon's launching.
18. For the hinged connection, a preliminary study of the effects of speeds and hinge pin locations on the seakeeping qualities of the pusher was made.
19. The results show that shallow draft twin skeg stern fishing boats have fine seakeeping qualities.
20. A new spectral analysis method based on random decrement signature was presented for ship seakeeping performance analysis.
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