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Scalelike in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-07-03Updated:2024-07-03
Similar words: needlelikescalelessthe likebelikeapelikeLike attracts likeviselikelifelikeMeaning: adj. reduced to a small appressed thing that resembles a scale. 
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1. On the stone, there are scalelike stripes.
2. Neck of uterus can live after scalelike cell cancer performs an operation malignantly successfully how long?
3. Cupressus of north temperate regions having dark scalelike leaves and rounded cones.
4. Any of various parasitic herbs of the genus Orobanche, having purplish or yellowish flowers and small scalelike leaves that lack chlorophyll. Broomrape grows on the roots of various plants.
5. Any of various perennial plants of the Old World genus Asparagus having leaflike stems, scalelike leaves, and small flowers.
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6. Any of various plants of the genus Salicornia, growing in salt marshes and having fleshy stems and rudimentary, scalelike leaves.
7. Any of various evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Cupressus, native to Eurasia and North America and having opposite, scalelike leaves and globose, woody cones.
8. Any of numerous African and Eurasian shrubs or small trees of the genus Tamarix, having small scalelike leaves and racemes of white, pink, or red flowers.
9. Any of various Australian evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Casuarina, having jointed stems, scalelike whorled leaves, and small fruits grouped in woody, conelike structures.
10. A small or secondary spike, characteristic of grasses and sedges, having a varying number of reduced flowers each subtended by one or two scalelike bracts.
More similar words: needlelikescalelessthe likebelikeapelikeLike attracts likeviselikelifelikehomelikemake likewavelikeand the likedomeliketreelikethe likes ofspacelikesnake-likesnakelikehorse-liketrancelikelikelihoodlikelinessspongelikelike for likedie like a dogunlikelihoodlive like a lordin all likelihoodmercalli scalemusical scale
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