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Retrieve in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+7Posted:2017-03-26Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: call backcall upfindrecallrecollectrecoverregainrememberthinkSimilar words: grievereprieveaggrievedretributionmeretriciousdeveloping countriessievegrievousMeaning: [rɪ'trɪːv]  v. 1. get or find back; recover the use of 2. run after, pick up, and bring to the master 3. recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection. 
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31. So it seems unlikely that closed class items were more difficult to retrieve than open class items.
32. A pearl necklace had broken and two liveried servants scrabbled on hands and knees to retrieve the jewels.
33. The same console will enable the teacher to retrieve data or generate more meaningful reports almost instantaneously.
34. When she reached inside to retrieve the pin, there were two identical pins.
35. I was only a refugee at present. With Victor's assistance, it might be possible to retrieve my car.
36. Significantly though, the media do not retrieve the information at some later date for the public's benefit.
37. Employees could not even clean out their drawers, water the plants or retrieve the family snapshots from their desks.
38. Text retrieval seeks to interpret what the user says and retrieve the appropriate document from the database.
39. Dear Prudence would dictate staying put and waiting for air to come and retrieve him.
40. A user can only retrieve a module by quoting a package that already has a version of it as a member.
41. If you lose the certificates, you can sign an affidavit and still retrieve the will.
42. Goodwill that is lost is extremely difficult to retrieve. principles of learning See also under learning: theories of learning.
43. A raven protected the holy corpse from predators until nightfall, when his fellow Christians were able to retrieve his body.
44. This means that they are able to retrieve the appropriate pronunciation of a word as a whole from the speech output lexicon.
45. But it is widely expected that further heads will have to roll if the discredited Communist Party is to retrieve the situation.
46. Candidates can not revise their own historic record with the same impunity before a population that has power to retrieve the past.
47. Mr Virdi allegedly sent a second batch of letters after learning that the force could retrieve deleted files.
48. Yet if you can see it still protruding, you can retrieve it before serious harm is caused.
49. Atlantis is scheduled next month to retrieve Linenger and deliver replacement astronaut Michael Foale.
50. But then it was time to retrieve the cylinder from its hiding place in my cabin, and make myself ready.
51. Hill swam out to haul Leach to shore and retrieve the barrel.
52. If you want to retrieve a file from the computer press FIND and then enter the name of the file you want.
53. In fact, he had been taken prisoner after going behind enemy lines to retrieve the body of a friend.
54. In order to store or retrieve information we must have some means by which the computer can refer to any location.
55. A fan is used to retrieve the flue gas heat, utilising a stainless steel condensing coil.
56. Because knowledge is distributed, the system uses many connections to retrieve solutions to particular problems.
57. I had to reverse, climb up to retrieve the runner and cross the wall for a third time.
58. Fiennes developed severe frostbite after removing a glove while attempting to retrieve a sledge from freezing water.
59. It clanged urgently, like a fire-engine dashing towards a disaster, like the ambulance thundering along behind to retrieve the bodies.
60. Her main motive was simple: to retrieve the ring and thereby enable Rick to make peace with his family.
More similar words: grievereprieveaggrievedretributionmeretriciousdeveloping countriessievegrievousgrievancerelievethievesachievebelieverelievedbelieve indisbelieveunrelievedretractretreatmake-believeachievementretreatedmetricretractileretrospectget rid ofpetrifytrieddetritusdo the trick
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