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Purchasing managers index in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2024-04-07Updated:2024-04-07
Similar words: advertising managerpurchasing agentpurchasingpurchasing costpurchasing pricepurchasing powermarketing manageraccounting manager
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1. Chicago Purchasing Managers Index also hit a new low since 1982.
2. The Ivey Purchasing Managers Index fell to 59.9 in June from 65.5 in May on a seasonally adjusted basis. The unadjusted index was 68.2, compared with 69.1 last month.
3. A jump in Europe's purchasing managers index is welcome relief for those prediction contraction on the continent.
4. In Britain, the Markit services purchasing managers index (PMI) showed growth was still not strong enough to generate any meaningful increase in employment.
5. The Purchasing Managers Index for October shows business activity in the euro zone is faltering, with France in particular entering a sharp slowdown.
6. The Chicago Purchasing Managers index dropped,[] following a similar trend seen in other regional manufacturing reports this month.
7. Yesterday's CLSA purchasing managers index for China, like the official survey last week, showed a sharp rise to bring Chinese manufacturing back into expansion mode.
8. Meanwhile, the purchasing managers index has inched down, although it is still forecasting continued economic growth.
9. On Oct. 3, the euro zone's manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index for September came in at a two-year low of 48.5; readings under 50 suggest economic contraction.
10. The Chicago purchasing managers index, a measure of business activity in the Midwest, fell to 31.4 this month from 34.2 in February, the most severe shrinkage since 1980.
11. China's official purchasing managers index dipped to 50.4 in October from 51.2 in September, with new export orders falling.
12. The Nomura/JMMA Japan Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) was 52.5 in February on a seasonally adjusted basis, unchanged from January.
13. In Japan, the Nomura/JMMA Japan Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index rose to a seasonally adjusted 54.7 from 53.8 the previous month.
14. Later on Friday, investors will get an idea of manufacturing activity in the U.S. Midwest with the release of April's Chicago Purchasing Managers Index report. The report is forecast to post at 59.8.
15. Stock markets will be focused on whether the official purchasing managers index will fall below the 50 mark that signals contraction.
16. One of the recent headline figures indicating improvement in China is the Purchasing Managers Index, which rose to 53.5 in April, up from 52.4 in March.
17. Data continued to disappoint on Thursday, with China's official purchasing managers index for June fell to 52.1, compared with 53.9 in May.
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