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Public affairs in a sentence

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Sentence count:62Posted:2017-03-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: affairsstate of affairsRepublicanpublicationrepublicanismaffairpublic policylove affair
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1. Don't confound public affairs with private ones.
2. He took an active part in public affairs.
3. Public affairs is rapidly becoming a speciality in Britain.
4. Dodger great Don Newcombe heads up the public affairs department, one of the highlights of a top to bottom classy organization.
5. Unfortunately, public affairs do not provide this degree of predetermination and control.
6. Domestic sexism does not guarantee sexism in public affairs, although one is often a symptom of the other.
7. How do you talk about public affairs to other people?
8. Fred Goldman has become public affairs director for a Washington-based organization called Safe Streets, which seeks tougher punishment for convicted criminals.
9. His participation in public affairs has led to a disorganization of his fortune.
10. He has acquired a great knowledge of public affairs, which he uses to arouse esteem among his fellow-citizens.
11. If you are interested in public affairs, which is usually political in nature, you go to a public affairs expert.
12. He was at the Congress very young and he appears to be particularly dedicated to public affairs.
13. They cited internal government guidelines against talking to reporters without prior approval of agency public affairs officers.
14. In the quality press, first, the 1960s saw a great growth of specialization within public affairs journalism.
15. If you wish to receive a leaflet contact the public affairs department at John Wood House.
16. There has consequently been a marked reduction in the amount of public affairs news and analysis published in all popular papers.
17. For most people, identity derives from the private sphere[], not from work and public affairs.
18. Of an extremely retiring disposition, he did not take an active part in public affairs.
19. Initially, mobilization had served to increase government control of public affairs.
20. From that day onwards I entertained a high regard for his dexterity and skill in public affairs.
21. Priority booking can be arranged for staff by contacting the public affairs department at John Wood House.
22. Guess their Sunday viewers are mostly trailer dwellers who could care less about public affairs.
23. For his last three decades Clarke played no part in science or public affairs.
24. She was a strong believer in women's participation in public affairs.
25. He imported the commonsense realist philosophy(, which included a demand that individuals be responsible for public affairs.
26. If you fancy your chances, contact Carolyn Andrews at the public affairs department who will send you the necessary registration forms.
27. Both before and after his retirement he was active in public affairs in his locality.
28. We will need to rethink the role of science in public affairs.
29. It took several years before we were able to reinstate a comprehensive schedule of public affairs programming on public television.
30. Also under review are the actions of a high-ranking Army public affairs officer, Col.
More similar words: affairsstate of affairsRepublicanpublicationrepublicanismaffairpublic policylove affairpublicin publicrepublicpubliclypublicitypublicizepublic debtpublic goodpublic officepublic toiletpublic sectorin the public eyepublic utilitypublic opinionweimar republicthe general publicpublic opinion pollfair sexpublisherpublishpublishedunpublished
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