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Product diversification in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2023-07-12Updated:2023-07-12
Similar words: diversificationproduct certificationproduct identificationversificationproduct differentiationoversimplificationdiversifiedproductive cooperation
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1. The product diversification can meet the market demand and solve the system cost-leading issue.
2. In the premise of quality assurance, product diversification, style fashion, and make our products sell well at home and abroad, and won the trust of our customers and highly praised.
3. Product diversification and internationalization are two important ways of firm growth.
4. The product diversification[], high quality received among the general customer.
5. With excellent quality and product diversification, Sika are in a top position in Chinese market.
6. But more traditional catalysts for deal-making, such as product diversification, retiring owners and capital and distribution needs, look set to make a comeback as well, the report predicts.
7. As a result of product diversification, top class supplier has stronger negotiation capacity.
8. The product diversification, high quality received high praise among the general customer.
9. Its scale, precision process and product diversification will reach the top of the world.
10. The ultimate goal of cdma is to improve productivity and product diversification.
11. Is not exceptional in the communicating enterprise, along with competition fiercely, communicating product diversification extrusion, management demand also increasingly to set a higher request.
12. Modular design is one of the key techniques to achieve product diversification and rapid design, which theory and methods are being developed and amended.
12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
13. Electroforming characteristic: precision and finish high, durable, will not be rust, product diversification on request.
14. Variety Reduction Program (VRP), a new method of handling product diversification, has attracted more and more attention in manufacturing industry.
15. And more than counterparts with the domestic joint venture enterprises, and product diversification.
16. The company cited the East, western the combination of new century art trends, exquisite production process, product diversification.
17. Economic globalization has caused "World Is Flat" but also the internationalization of technology, product diversification, market localization, personalized service created "the world's injustice.
18. We always adhere to the standard quality, cheap goods, product diversification, providing our customers with the ideal space for new , diverse display effects.
19. Indirect exporting involves less investment and is therefore less risky, which enables small firms with limited capital and product diversification can export very easily.
20. Licheng Leather Factory is a factory professionally designing and producing various casual handbags. In handbags, leather products, has rich experience in production design, product diversification.
21. At one hand, under the modular technology, the product is composed of inter-independent function model, which make the product diversification facility, through function models' mix and match.
More similar words: diversificationproduct certificationproduct identificationversificationproduct differentiationoversimplificationdiversifiedproductive cooperationcumulative productionundiversifiedossificationgasificationbasificationproduct introductiondensificationfalsificationoverproductionover productionclassificationdegasificationemulsificationintensificationdemulsificationproduction efficiencyproduction informationdeclassificationreclassificationnational productfunctional classificationqualification certificate
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