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Private foundation in a sentence

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Sentence count:13Posted:2024-05-16Updated:2024-05-16
Similar words: national science foundationfoundation plateFree Software Foundationfoundationfoundationsfoundationalraft foundationfoundation stoneMeaning: n. a charity that does not receive a major part of its support from the public. 
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(1) Private foundations, too, are being inundated by requests for help to which they can not possibly respond.
(2) He advocates forming private foundations and approaching agricultural and manufacturing businesses to help bridge the gap in state financing.
(3) The money is given by a private foundation.
(4) Since then, he has been leading a private foundation active on a number of world issues.
(5) Lin Chong-Pin, president of the private Foundation on Cross-Strait and International Studies in Taipei, says that increased tourism could accelerate political liberalization on the mainland.
(6) To continue the research project, the university plans to tap funds primarily from private foundations.
(7) Among these sources are grants or aid from state and federal governments, private foundations, and various voluntary health agencies.
(8) The study was supported by the Australian government, medical professional groups and a private foundation.
(9) Her university study is paid for by a scholarship from a private foundation.
(10) Triec's financial backers include Toronto-Dominion Bank and Manulife Financial, two of Canada's biggest financial institutions, a private foundation and an Ontario government agency.
(11) "Obviously, this medical debt can push people over the edge who are already close to the edge, " said Karen Davis, president of the private foundation that promotes better access to health care.
(12) Her university study is paid by a scholarship from a private foundation.
(13) Two years ago, Mr. Gates and his wife Melinda decided to use some of their money to create a private foundation in Seattle, Washington.
More similar words: national science foundationfoundation plateFree Software Foundationfoundationfoundationsfoundationalraft foundationfoundation stonefoundation creamresearch foundationprivate corporationprivationprivate international lawdeprivationprivatisationprivatizationinternational private lawprivate dataprivate financingPrivate First Classsleep deprivationsensory deprivationprivate accountderivationprivatederivationalprivatesprivate enterpriseprivate-enterprisein private
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