Similar words: overthrow, over there, over the moon, all over the world, throw, throw up, throw in, throw off.

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1 The old corrupt, totalitarian regime was overthrown.
2 The tyrant was overthrown.
3 He said that Allende's government in Chile was overthrown by the army and the CIA in 1973.
4 That government was overthrown in a military coup three years ago.
5 The president was overthrown in a military coup.
6 He has overthrown the basic standards of morality.
7 Many trees were overthrown by the storm.
8 The regime was overthrown by a popular revolt.
9 The slavery was overthrown after the Civil War in U.S.A.
10 The late President Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown by a popular uprising in 1986.
11 He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos.
12 Marcos was overthrown in 1986 after a popular uprising.
13 The Romanian tyrant Ceaucescu was overthrown in 1989.
14 The legitimate government was overthrown in a coup.
15 President Kassem was overthrown and murdered in 1963.
16 Nuri Said and Faisal were overthrown, killed,[]( and dragged through the streets.
17 But, in time, even the colonial masters were overthrown in their cricketing dominance by mere colonials.
18 Ben Bella was overthrown in a military coup in 1965.
19 The Umayyads were finally overthrown and the first Abbasid, Abul-Abbas, took the throne.
20 A military junta had just overthrown the constitutional government and annulled a recently held presidential election.
21 He was overthrown in a coup in 1991 and forced to flee the country, but that only fed his popularity.
22 The regime was overthrown by a popular uprising on Dec. 22, 1989.
23 They saw their democratically elected president overthrown by a military coup.
24 The dictatorship was overthrown after a year of fighting, in which thousands of people were killed.
25 Every once in a while, the established order is overthrown.
26 He thought they could be beaten-that their virtual monopoly of the running shoe market could be overthrown.
27 We continue to speak of a scientific revolution because earlier systems of belief were emphatically overthrown.
28 Every once in a great while, the established order is overthrown.
29 Mahdi, 56, had been imprisoned and then under house arrest since his civilian government was overthrown in June 1989.
30 These contradictory roles create a fiscal and legitimacy crisis for the state, which will ultimately he overthrown by the working class.
More similar words: overthrow, over there, over the moon, all over the world, throw, throw up, throw in, throw off, throw away, stone's throw, crow over, overt, covert, poverty, overtone, nevertheless, overcrowded, over time, overturn, overture, overtake, extrovert, introvert, overturned, deliver the goods, poverty line, incontrovertible, over and over, over and over again, throne.