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Numbers in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+36Posted:2017-07-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: numberpersonal identification numbernumber oneoutnumbernumberedcall numbera number ofany number ofMeaning: ['nʌmbə(r)]  n. 1. the fourth book of the Old Testament; contains a record of the number of Israelites who followed Moses out of Egypt 2. an illegal daily lottery. 
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91. We exchanged addresses and phone numbers.
92. Student numbers have expanded twofold in ten years.
93. Chris, have you got the numbers yet?
94. Large numbers of security police stood by.
95. Illegals are still slipping through in unacceptable numbers.
96. Class numbers vary between 25 and 30.
97. Schools are booting out record numbers of unruly pupils.
97. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
98. Sheer weight of numbers secured them the victory.
99. Can you give me some idea of numbers?
100. Guns continued to be produced in small numbers.
101. Birds gather in large numbers beside the river.
102. There were about 150 there, in round numbers.
103. The winning numbers are randomly selected by computer.
104. Please check out these names and numbers.
105. Everyone in the group exchanged telephone numbers.
106. 2, 4, 6 and 8 are even numbers.
107. Oxford attracts large numbers of visitors and sightseers.
108. The mud flats attract large numbers of birds.
109. Madonna sang several numbers from her latest album.
110. The student body numbers 5000.
111. She sang several numbers from her latest album.
112. The numbers are small in percentage terms .
113. Sing one of those romantic numbers.
114. Numbers make my head reel.
115. Police are prepared for large numbers of demonstrators.
116. The numbers -5, 0 and 3 are integers.
117. 3, 5, 7 are all odd numbers.
118. Visitor numbers increase in the summer.
119. The law was / were there in large numbers.
120. He said the numbers simply did not add up.
More similar words: numberpersonal identification numbernumber oneoutnumbernumberedcall numbera number ofany number ofa hot numbernumber lineeven numbermass numberpage numberphone numberwhole numbernumber plateprime numberto the number ofatomic numberserial numberaccount numbera large number ofopposite numbercumbersomebenumbedlumbercumberslumberplumbercucumber
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