Similar words: osha, kosher, tosh, gosh, posh, cosh, slosh, kibosh. Meaning: [nɑʃ /nɒʃ] n. (Yiddish) a snack or light meal. v. eat a snack; eat lightly.
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1. They serve good nosh in the cafeteria.
2. There was lots of nosh at the party.
3. Did you have a good nosh?
4. She sprinkled pepper on my grub, watching me nosh.
5. We'll have a nosh, then start out.
6. My wife likes to nosh peanuts while watching TV.
7. I'll just have a little nosh at lunchtime, perhaps a hot dog.
8. We had a great nosh - up at Bill's wedding.
9. Secondly, she likes her nosh.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
10. She smells strange and the nosh is tinned but it was better than nothing.
11. She likes her nosh.
12. Nina never knew her neighbor Nosh knew her.
13. Let's have some nosh before the film starts.
14. We eat moon cake as sweet nosh.
15. There is a kind of traditional nosh in Beijing called Wandouhuang(means Yellow Bean in Chinese pronunciation).
16. So skip the cheese[], but be sure to nosh on something; you'll absorb less tyramine if you have food in your stomach.
17. We'll have a ( quick ) nosh, then start out.
18. They thought she had got fat, a good advert, on the succulent nosh.
19. Maybe do it again, order up a bit of nosh and champagne.
20. For $50, the guests got three courses of top nosh, fizz, wine, and beer.
21. One-day trip around East Lake:Cartin, tennis, equitation, toxophily, fishing, bumper bats, bridge, local nosh etc.