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Mt in a sentence

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Sentence count:152Posted:2017-11-25Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. 1. a radioactive transuranic element 2. a unit of weight equivalent to 1000 kilograms 3. a state in northwestern United States on the Canadian border 4. the use of computers to translate from one language to another. 
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31. Jejunal mucosal villus height(VH) and mucosal thickness(MT) and ileal mucosal VH in food group were significantly increased than those in control group.
32. In mid-March 1980, a series of small earthquakes began shaking the ground at Mt. St. Helens in southern Washington.
33. At this time, our MT on a piece of occupational therapy, help us with treatment.
34. A view of Mt . Fuji can be obtained from here.
35. Passeriformes is the largest group in aves, but it has only 11 mt genomic sequences sequenced.
36. Objective To detect the association between metallothionein (MT) 1X gene polymorphism and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in Chinese Han people.
37. This commentator claims Mt Sinai is in Arabia and is where Moses saw the burning bush.
38. Sir Edmund Hillary a Rolex when he climbed Mt. Everest in 1953.
39. In the locality time 8 Day 15:20 Mt Bromo started bursting.
40. If many members of the team are commuting great distances or working in an unconventional location (for example, the Mt. Everest summit), you must take this into account, as well.
41. Removal characteristics of hydrogen(H2S) , dimethyl( DMS) and methanethiol( MT) by peat tower inoculated with mixed strains were observed.
42. They arrive at Mt Sinai ,[] which Moses ascends to commune with God.
43. To explore the protein fingerprinting of metallothionein(MT)induced by selenium to protect the rat liver from fibrosis.
44. Easygoing Montreal is increasingly popular with foreign travelers, who enjoy the joie de vivre of a place with bilingual ambience, good local beer and even skiing at nearby Mt Royal.
45. The three megaliths at the entrance of Mt . Tienchu Scenic Area —— Tienchu mountain's golden signboard.
46. Another quiet refuge Mt . Coot - tha, about 8 km from Brisbane.
47. Mudanjiang person outstanding earth deities , vitality abundant . Chingpo lake, Mt.
48. Bedouin guides wrapped in blankets rest atop Mt . Sinai in Egypt on Aug. 3, 2007.
49. At the foot of Mt. Everest is located the highest temple in the world, Rongbuk Monastery.
50. MT vendors are currently developing hybrid approaches using both linguistic and statistical methods, which may deliver a higher translation quality in the future.
51. Mt And Jesus went from there and withdrew into the parts of Tyre and Sidon.
52. Augustine (On Jn. tr. 34, 8f). A convenient, festive messianism , without strength and responsibility is an absurdity, it is even satanism (Mt 16, 23).
53. Concern has responded to several disasters over the years, including the 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo and the subsequent lahar flows, which lasted for more than five years.
54. A victory that ended the Great War and brought forth the reign of Mt. Olympus.
55. The killjoys who conducted this test point out that sitting through a two-hour movie isn't exactly "climbing Mt. Everest," but theaters are feeding us like we are.
56. Chinese mountain climbers made a successful ascent of Mt. McKinley in North Amerca.
57. The constitutive models of monocrystal and polycrystal MT materials are presented in this dissertation.
58. Numerical calculation shows that the constitutive model given here can well simulate the behavior of polycrystal MT.
59. Next up, Gneiting hopes to swim the English Channel, play for the Philadelphia Eagles and hike from the Dead Sea to Mt. Everest.
60. Missoula, MT -- Heterosexual men who are regularly fellated by homosexual men have a lower risk of developing prostate and testicular cancer, a research study has found.
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