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Mt in a sentence

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Sentence count:152Posted:2017-11-25Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. 1. a radioactive transuranic element 2. a unit of weight equivalent to 1000 kilograms 3. a state in northwestern United States on the Canadian border 4. the use of computers to translate from one language to another. 
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1. How high is Mt Everest?
2. The intimidating bulk of Mt Everest rose up before the climbers.
3. That's Mt. St. Helens in the distance over there.
4. Mt. McKinley is the highest mountain in North America.
5. Mt. Eddy is directly to the west of Mt. Shasta.
6. The dangers of the climb up Mt. Washington only whetted our appetite for more adventure.
7. Greek mythology holds that the gods lived on Mt. Olympus.
8. Mt . Fuji has a graceful shape.
9. In June 1991, Mt Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted.
10. Trekker walking towards summit of Mt Olympus.
11. Climbing Mt. Everest is anything but a pleasure trip.
12. They attempted to climb the Mt. Everest.
13. Mt. 10:42 And whoever gives to one of these little ones only a cup of cold water to drink in the name of a disciple, truly I say to you,[sentence dictionary] he shall by no means lose his reward.
14. Objective To investigate the protective effect of maltol (MT) on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion damages in rats.
15. PACKING: In bulk in containers, of approximately 18 mt nett per container.
16. Mt .10:4 Simon the Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed Him.
17. The Federal Aviation Administrationimposed a no-fly zone around Mt. Redoubt during an eruption as recentlyas last year.
18. Isaac! Have you remembered to meditate on Mt. Aleph daily?
19. Mt. 23:33 Serpents ! Brood of vipers ! How shall you escape the judgment of Gehenna?
20. Mt. 17:17 And Jesus answered and said, O unbelieving and perverted generation!
21. Based on mate tree (MT), the generation rules of well-constrained loop circuit are presented.
22. Conclusion:MT can clear oxygenic radical, reduce the reaction of lipid peroxidation and improve ATPase activity, so MT can decrease damage in the IR injury of hippocampal structure.
23. Riesling : We're, ah , demodulating the control systems at Mt . Terroir.
24. A group of Chinese and Turkish explorers announced this week they are '99.9 percent' sure of their discovery on Mt. Ararat.
25. The thematic survey on beast diversity and their survival environment in Mt.
26. The falling price of computing power (including software) coupled with the move to PCs means that the cost of running MT has fallen dramatically.
27. Recently, Chinese authorities have begun limiting mountaineering access to Mt.
28. Objective : To study the counteraction of melatonin ( MT ) on the immunodepression induced by cyclophosphamide ( CY ) and dexamethasone ( DEX ).
29. Thus, Myosin II - dependent compressive force is necessary for normal MT bundling in the growth cone neck.
30. It is a three-in-one triumph for Moni, who is also the first non-Sherpa Nepalese girl to summit Mt Everest.
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