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Minge in a sentence

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Sentence count:9Posted:2018-06-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: floating exchange ratemalingeringlingeringlyring fingerfingerlinglingeringswingeingfingeringMeaning: n. vulgar term for a woman's pubic hair or genitals. 
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1 Minge SaveuTM has a reputation for having the most significant and global experience in the UHMWPE and relevent Industry and our Market Research reports reflect that.
2 The minge is twelve.
3 Li Ming is just the minge whom I want to see.
4 Did you see that minge being questioned by the police?
5 Just in maximize of her- a minge drops severing papers.
6 Minge Saveu high performance material industry directory is the most popular source of company information on the internet, which plan attract 150,000 unique visitors and 1,500,000 page views in 2011.
7 The minge win order too eager to get a geography book.
8 This young minge hin order to the earn his living in the fields of his good-off neighbors.
9 These genes come from the ffromher's sperm and then the mother's egg; which are produced by the minge and feminge reproductive systems.
More similar words: floating exchange ratemalingeringlingeringlyring fingerfingerlinglingeringswingeingfingeringfingerprintingfinger spellingchange of mindcontingency planningminglingingehingebingetingeingersingefringeringerringedin geartwingegingeringestcringesingerzingerwinger
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