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Metalworks in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2019-02-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: metalworkmetalworkermetalworkingsocial worksteelworksclerical workcasual workersocial workerMeaning: n. factory where metal castings are produced. 
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1. Her favourite subject at school is metalwork.
2. He was a crafts-man in metalwork from Dresden.
3. Rust has damaged the metalwork of the bicycle.
4. Students can study woodwork or metalwork.
5. Rust and flaking paint mean the metalwork is in poor condition.
6. Girls and boys study woodwork and metalwork at this school.
7. The school offers a program for students who are skilled in metalwork.
8. Boots often leak, so take a look in the spare wheel well and at the metalwork beneath the fuel tank.
9. Many pieces of both 14 and 17C metalwork display a distinctive spiky naturalism which is paralleled elsewhere in stone and wood.
10. Nobody could doubt that metalwork was going to get its comeuppance.
11. By far the most detailed and satisfactory portrayals of Hercules and his wide variety of performances are seen on metalwork.
12. Its totally curved sides were fenced with grilles of exquisite metalwork and its upper storey was graciously arcaded.
13. But the bottom of the building is stone with glass openings and the metalwork holding it.
14. There is a fine crystal chandelier of the 19C and do note too, the metalwork on the doors.
15. Also provided with the grinder is a disc for use on metalwork.
16. Sam MacDonald, who works out of Orkney, has submitted an unusual metalwork sculpture.
17. A bridge on the M50 motorway was closed last month when engineers carrying out checks spotted cracks in the metalwork.
18. Evidence is most abundant for specialists involved in ceramics and metal-working, because it survives better in the archaeological record.
19. This is despite there being thousands of pieces of metalwork which have been cast in moulds.
20. The identification of apparent patterning amongst types and sub-groups of ornamental metalwork can easily induce a false sense of satisfaction.
21. Metalworks, installations, repair and stainless steel products.
22. Fortunate metalworks plant in Suzhou City Design is a company specializing in sophisticated hardware manufacturers of plastic products.
22. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
23. Governments hand out these permits to power plants, metalworks and other heavy industries within their borders.
24. It is mostly used in grinding and polishing stainless steel, metalworks, optical glass, bamboo or articles.
More similar words: metalworkmetalworkermetalworkingsocial worksteelworksclerical workcasual workersocial workerseasonal workernormal working hoursindustrial workersmedical social workerequal pay for equal workmealwormreal worldspiritual worldworkssteelworkwork-shyex worksschoolworkworkshopgasworkssaltworkswork sheetworksitework shopworksheetsteelworkerwork-study
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