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Home > Less-than in a sentence

Less-than in a sentence

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Sentence count:7Posted:2018-10-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: less thanno less thannot less thannothing less thanin less than no timethanklessfirst-handfirsthand
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1. In less-than a week I was employed in the dissolute field of computers.
2. The Spanish collator used the less-than sign.
3. The less-than signs between them indicate that a and A appear before b and B.
4. Each subelement within the less-than and greater-than characters is separated with a semicolon.
5. The less-than operator. Tests whether the left - hand operand is less than the right - hand .
6. The min() and max() functions need values for which lt (less-than; a new kind of comparison operator) is defined; several types qualify.
7. In particular this means that reserved XML characters such as the less-than sign must be escaped.
More similar words: less thanno less thannot less thannothing less thanin less than no timethanklessfirst-handfirsthandneedless to saymiles standishstainless steelchangelessnessBlood is thicker than waterit happens thathandlessthankfulnessthank goodnessleft-handednesschangelessmiss the busmiss the markmiss the boatmiss the targetpass-throughpass throughpass the buck toas things standacross the boardacross-the-boardwith an iron hand
Total 7, 30 Per page  1/1 
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